"Go Giants"

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Pete's POV

Okay, before we start. I just wanna say. Wow. It's from my point of view.

.. Such an honor.


I'd like to thank my Mom-

Okay let's get on with it.


I run after Colson, I had to chase this dude at least three miles. In his car.

I guess I was getting my steps in.

He pulls over to the curb, where the entryway of Jasminee's driveway starts.

He rolls down his window and pokes his head out.

Colson: You gettin' in or what?

I smile at him and hop in.

"Did you kiss your wittle Mia goodbye?" Colson says in a dorky tone as he starts making air kisses at me.

Pete: Oh shut up... Of course I did-

Col' starts laughing and clapping hysterically.

Colson: You two are so cute.

Pete: Oh shut up. I came here to check on you dude.

Colson starts at his steering wheel for a moment.

Colson's POV


Pete POV

Well... there goes my moment geez.


Back to Colson's POV

I know I know. I'm not the best guy in the world and I've gotten around.

But Jasminee's words? They really took a toll on me.

It made me put things into perspective.

I was.. angry.

Angry at myself. I can't believe what Casie must think. I mean I know she's a little older now but she must be so fed up with this stuff.

I just needed a break...

From all of it.

I'm glad that Pete came to check on me.

People don't really understand how great of a person he is. He goes through deep struggles everyday and still makes time for everybody else.

I look over at him.

Pete: Hey? I gotchu bro.

Pete pats me on the back and smiles, chewing his gum.

Colson: Dude.. you need some new gum.

I bring him in for a short hug.

Pete: Well.. let's go out and get us some more gum!

We laugh.

Colson: What's that one thing you say?

Oh yeah

Colson: We out here, and we crazy!

Both Pete and Colson: GO GIANTS

We speed off in my car, not turning back.

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