Problem Solvers

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"I can't believe."


In a matter of minutes everything blew up in everyone's face.

"You knew she was lying to me?"

It's like everything flashed in my face like bright lights. Flickering with one problem after the next.

"What happened between you two."

"I can't believe you used me."


Oh sorry.

I forgot.. you're not that up to speed. Well let's go back then. Shall we?

15 minutes earlier

Colson: What is he talking about Jas?

I can't even build the words to tell him anything at all. I stand there in silence. Ugh I just wanna turn into a piece of beef jerky.

Pete: It's not that big of a deal, it's not like they slept together. Like some people I know.

Pete points to the stairs where Mia and Slim walk up with cups in their hands.

Jasminee: Wait what?

Pete doesn't say anything he just nods and makes a little smile.

Mia: Why is who I lay with any of your concern?

Pete: Because you literally slept with my friend. Are you fucking serious right now?

Slim just makes a face that's like "Ian tryna be in the mix." And sips on whatever is in his cup.

Colson: Wait Mia... You slept with Slim?

Mia crosses her arms and says nothing, she looks somewhat guilty and hurt I think.

Colson: Well nobody's gonna answer my questions?!

He looks at Tyler. His eyes look like they're filled with rage.

Colson: And who the hell are you? Why are you here?

Tyler rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.

Mia walks over and places her arm on his shoulder. "Because I invited him, so leave him alone not everybody's intentions are to sleep with your girlfriend."

Tyler gives Mia a comforting smile and she invites him into the house.

Colson: Says the one that slept with one of my best friend when she has a crush on a different one.

Slim: Damn.. Just come for everybody I see.

Mia: I know you're not talking 'Hollywood Whore.'

Colson: Well I guess you're the new Hollywood Whore.

Mia starts walking up to Colson looking like she wants to snap his skinny self in half.

Slim grabs Mia and throws her over his shoulder. "Alright, You done did it Bro."

Jasminee: I wish everybody would just calm down.

Colson: Calm down?

Mia: Will you let me down?

Pete: No keep her there, the blood rush might knock some sense into her.

Slim laughs but quickly catches himself, remembering Mia is on his shoulder. "Pete...That is... not okay?" He says somewhat laughing in between his sentence.

Colson starts laughing at me in an annoyed tone, ignoring Pete and Slim's conversation.

"Yes calm down."

We all turn and see Bella, Dub, Casie, and Rook standing in front of the stairs. Their arms crossed like they're the Plastics.

Bella: We gon' settle dis right here.

Casie: Today

They both hi-five.

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