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"And Tyler?"

Bella: What do they want?

Mia: And how did either of them get your number?

Jasminee: .. I have no clue but they said the wanted to talk with me.

I look over at Mia and Bella, who are full of thought. I think we all are to say the least.

Bella: I dunno. This seems real sus.

Mia: What if they're working together to take you down.

The girls both gasp dramatically.

Bella: I wanna be there.

Mia: Yeah same. We can be undercover!

Jasminee: Is all this really necessary? I mean she's not like a mastermind or anything.

Mia: See that .. Jasminee, dear is where you're mistaken!

Jasminee: Oh my god, she's probably gonna do a 'diabolical' plan now.

Bella: Shhh! This one kinda adds up.

Mia walks to the other side of the counter and opens one of my kitchen draws. She grabs sun glasses and a big piece of paper. And she puts on the glasses.

"Okay so, I call this.. Operation: Who Shot Ya?."

Mia lays the paper down on the table

Welcome to Operation: Who Shot Ya?

Bella: I'm kinda bored but intrigued at the same time.

Mia: Yes. Okay so we have Megan.

Mia points to her on the board.

Bella: Wait, why don't we have any pictures?

Mia: because printing pictures cost too much.

Jasminee: ..Mia, your house is worth two-million dollars-


Bella: Okay, Okay damn.

Mia: Megan dated Colson, but cheated on him right? So that next day him and Jasminee pop-out. America's new favorite cookie-dough couple.

She points to me on the board.

Mia: And Jasminee put herself in this love triangle like a dumbass, thus making you an enemy to Megan.

Bella: And she probably assumed that we wouldn't be at Jasminee's house that day.

Mia: Correct. And Colson's car was outside that day, which I peeped due to Jasminee's security cameras.

Bella: Well then if you found footage on the security camera.. you can probably see the shooter.

Jasminee: Wow I didn't even think of that.

Mia: Cause you're slow, ANYWAY, She probably wasn't expecting the rest of us to be there and then at around that time I saw this man he looks like he built like a potato .. but he's our shooter. So Megan sent him so she wouldn't look like a suspect, met us at the hospital. Bam

Jasminee: That sounds crazy and logical at the same time.


Mia: YESSS!! Detective Sincere, Trevino, and DeVoe on the case.

Jasminee: We sound like spies.

Mia: I know I'm like pregontay but can we go undercover and arrest dat ho?

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