"So, lunch anyone?"

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Jasminee's POV

It's been a few hours since I agreed to... ya know.. the agreement. And everything seemed to be normal for the most part.

I hadn't seen any more articles, picture reposting, or anything along those lines.

Everything was peaceful... a little too peaceful.

I'm sitting on the patio soaking in some of the sun on my melaninated skin in my shorts, tank-top, and sunglasses made by yours truly. and I heard faint screams in the background.

It's Colson and Mia of course.

They come running and skipping towards me, Pete and Bella slowly following behind them.

"Hey what's up Jas?" Colson says to me with a bright smile.

I lift up my sunglasses to look at him, "Nothin' much." I say, lowering my sunglasses.

I sit up and look around at everybody's clothing.

Pete's wearing sunglasses, a long-sleeve black shirt and jeans, which is crazy it's almost a hundred degrees in LA today.

Mia's wearing a black leather jacket, small almost square shaped glasses, they're really ugly. She's wearing a white crop-top and blue jean shorts with some clean air forces.


Anyway. I'll yell at her later. Bella is wearing a lime green tube-top with baggy, beige pants. Lookin' fly, BUT AREN'T THEY HOT ?? LIKE DAMN.

And Colson, he looks so good. He's wearing a bleached, black t, with sunglasses also. WHERE DID THEY GET ALL THESE SUNGLASSES FROM?? ANYWAY he's also wearing dark blue ripped jeans that show his whole pale knees.

ENOUGH OF THE FIT CHECKS.. Back to the story.

Colson: So I have to pick Casie and I was thinking we should go out.

Mia: Like all of us?

Colson: Well duh Mia.

Bella: Like ... ON A DATE??

Pete: Woahh. Colson I think you're cool and everything, but I'm not into you like that.

Colson: Oh no! All of my dreams, broken and shattered.


Mia and Colson both start fake sobbing.

Bella and Pete laugh.

Jasminee: Wait you said something about Casie?

Colson: Yeah, I'm gonna go pick her up. Ya know, to tell her the news.

Pete: Awww shit.

Mia: Colson, sometimes I think you're an idiot.

Bella: Oop, I just sit back and observe.

Colson: Wait why? Why am I an idiot?

There's a brief pause.

Pete: Well technically she said she thinks you're an idiot, not you are. Well.. Even though ...well you are.

Bella: Yeah like the exact same night that you get out of a serious relationship, you get into another one.

Mia: Yeah, not to slut shame you or anything brodie but... You're a hoe.

Pete laughs. "I'm sorry that isn't funny like at all. But I like the way she said it."

Jasminee: Yeah I agree with them. Except Pete.. he's never talkin' about nothing. But Casie doesn't deserve to have to adjust you going through women like freaking underwear. So I think you should wait.

Pete: Damn, she just compared you to drawls bro.

Bella elbows Pete.

Pete: Oh my god.

Colson: Are you saying that that's how I'm gonna treat you?

Colson glares at me, in rage, disappointment and even disgust.

"You know what? I don't care at this point." Colson takes his jacket, that I didn't even know he brought and storms out the door.

There's complete silence.

Pete: Well.. I am uh.. I gonna go check on him.

Pete walks over to Mia and places his sunglasses on the top of her head and kisses her forehead before he walks out the door after Colson.

Mia: Well.. This could be a better situation, but it's not like terrible. We can make it better!

Mia. Always trying to lighten the mood with sarcasm and bright ideas.

Bella: So lunch anyone?

Mia: I'm down if you buyin'.

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