the night of three

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"Late night smoothie run?"

Ew. A smoothie really.

"A milkshake would have been more advertising." I respond looking up at Colson.

He smiles at me, rubbing the back of his neck. "C'mon, tired of seeing you lay around all day. Let's do something fun t'night."

I grin, "Tryna call me lazy? That's pretty rude."

He gives me a hand with getting to my feet, "let's go. I found this good smoothie café downtown aanndd they gotta drive-thru. How much better does it get than that?"

We begin to walk to his car, "What's the name of this restaurant." I question him.

"Check this. Epic.. Smoothies."


Jasminee: .. Colson.. What?

He looks at me, "What? that's the dopest name I have heard all day!"

Jasminee: Are you high?

We reach his car and I walk over to the drivers side and he opens the door to the passenger's. "I am not! ..But you're driving though." He gives me a wink and enters the car.

He's most definitely up in the clouds.

About what I'd like to say forty-five minutes later we get our smoothies and Colson and I start walking around the streets of Las Vegas, laughing and enjoying one another.

Jasminee: That's the story on how I broke my toe.

Colson grins, "Mia says you talk about it waayy too much."

Jasminee: Well dang, she might as well cut my heart out and feed it to her dog then!

Colson chuckles.

Colson: .. That's a bit much.. Who's watchin' those things anyway?

Jasminee: Firstly, they are not things RICHARD! They are beautifully adorable organisms that have blessed us with their presence.

Colson: .. Cool.

Jasminee: And Alana's watching them.. hopefully.

Colson: Well.. She's somewhat trustworthy?

We begin to laugh, but my laugh starts to turn into a cough-

"Jasminee? You good?" Colson's says, he stops walking to check and see if I'm okay.

I hold my stomach, "Mhm. I just.. I've been feeling kinda sick today. Probably just food poisoning."

Colson: You sure?

I nod.

Colson takes off his jacket; handing it to me. "Here. It's cold out today."

Jasminee: And here I thought you weren't a hopeless romantic.

Mia's POV

I took a shower and entered in the bedroom Tyler was letting us stay in. Pete was laying in the bed, no shirt on scrolling through his phone.

He notices me in my baggy t-shirt and shorts. I tuck into the bed beside him.

Pete: Been a looong day.

I sigh, "agreed."

Pete: You didn't tell me you had a brother.

I smirk at him, "Yeah. I have three actually."

Pete: Wow, they'll be hard to please I'm sure.

I shake my head.

Mia: Nah, you'll fit right in.

Pete gives me a wide grin, "Well.. get some sleep. You're gonna need it because tomorrow? We're gonna act like we're in vegas."

He kisses my forehead and moves further into the sheets.

Mia: Affection are we?

Pete: .. You might just be rubbing off on me.

Bella's POV

I finish getting dressed into my PJ's. It took Mia about 10,000 hours to get out the shower! She took almost all the hot water!

Tommy's in bed watching something on the TV.

Bella: Hey Barbecue Sauce.

Tommy: What is up with the nicknames?

I giggle at him and hop into the bed.

I give him a small peck and begin to scroll on my phone; laying back on the head board.

Notice him turn off the TV, "Hey. Can we um.. talk?" He asks me softly.

Bella: Of course, what's up?

Tommy: Bella, I like you.. a lot. And I know that our relationship is going pretty good as is but I just have to.. you know. Get this off my chest.

I sit up straighter than before, "What is it?"

Tommy: Belle, I don't want to hide our relationship anymore.

I feel my heart begin to pound.

Tommy: And I know you didn't want us to go public but.. I don't want it to be a secret. I wanna show the world, I want to hold your hand in public. Take you out on dates, walks the busy streets with my arm around you.

Bella: I.. I don't know what to say.

Tommy: You don't have to make a decision yet.. I was just putting it out on the table.

Jasminee's POV

After I start feeling sick Colson took me home, we were too tired to change so we just lied on the bed.

Colson: Jas?

"Yeah?" I say looking up at him, rubbing the leather piece of the jacket.

Colson: Have you ever thought of us being together, like for real?

Jasminee: I mean I guess, what do you ask?

Colson: Because I've been thinking about, you know us n' shit.

I can tell by the way he continues to look up at the ceiling that he's still high.

"I want us to have a real chance Jas. A real ass relationship."

Jasminee: I can sense a 'but' coming..

Colson: ..But.. I have something to confess.

"I slept with Megan before I came to Vegas."

I feel my heart skip a few beats.

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