Call it a Season Finale

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Jasminee's POV

Bella sits us all in Mia's living room.

The tension felt like it was drowning me.

Colson: Does Casie have to be in here for this?

Casie: I'll leave... that is IF... Uncle B gives me twenty bucks.

Mia: Ah.. she plays a hard bargain.

Slim rolls his eyes and laughs, Casie just smiles at him watching him reach into his pocket. He hands her the money and then Casie dashes upstairs.

Bella: Okay.. Anymore complaints?

Bella glares at us with a menacing look, she mostly stares at Colson because he loves to interpret.

Bella: ...Okay then.

Bella picks up a back-scratcher off of Mia's coffee table and starts slapping it in her hand slowly.

Bella: So this is how we're gonna roll..

Slim laughs and I roll my eyes.

Pete: Can we just get this over with? I'm tired.

Bella: HEY SHUT UP! I'm tryna explain!


Bella: Okay..So how we're gonna do this is... Each of us, Indicating Me, Dub, and Rook will address one of your situations. Then WE WILL TAKE TURNS.. Listening to one another explaining our side of the story. And then We can all address how we feel.

Dub: Bam! Just like that Foos!

Dub and Rook fist bump.

Tyler: Do I ... like have to stay here?

Rook: Yeah.

Tyler sinks into the chair he's sitting in. Looking miserable to be involved.

Bella: OKAY! Problem number one. Tyler, Colson, and Jasminee.

Dub: Jasminee? You up baby!

Rook: You have the floor.

I stand up and walk the center of the living room, feeling everybody's eyes on me.

I clear my throat and rub my hands anxiously.

Bella looks at me like she's dang Judge Judy.

Jasminee: Okay well, as we know me and Colson started.. "dating" recently and it all took a turn when the drive-by happened.

"I still wanna know who did this to my arm.. Just sayin'." Mia says, pointing at her arm.

Bella: MIA!

Mia: Sorry dang!


Jasminee: Anyway.. While at the hospital I ran into Tyler.

Everybody looks at Tyler and he just looks at his phone nervously.

Jasminee: Tyler is my ex of seven years.

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