Here We Go.

109 4 0

Colson's POV

I wasted no time on rushing back to Jasminee's house. Driving up to eighty miles per hour, my vision becomes blurry.

Jasminee's sitting next to me in the passengers seat, she's asking me questions but I'm not answering.

"Colson what the hell is happening?"

"Is everybody okay?"

I continue to grip on the steering focusing on getting to the house.

Jasminee: Colson we're gonna get pulled over!

Colson: My daughter was in that house.

Jasminee: I am aware. But speeding isn't gonna help us if we get pulled over. It's only setting us back.

I exhaled.

I slow down the speed of the car.

I guess she has a point.

We arrive in under thirty minutes.

I pull into the driveway, all I can see is a police car, ambulance, and other people in uniform standing in front of the door..

We rush to the front door.

"What the hell happened?" I say to the back of this bald ass police officer's head.

"Um excuse me sir? Are you the resident of this home?" He responds to me.

Jasminee steps in front of me and looks up at the man.

Jasminee: I am.

Officer: Okay well , we we're called by two young ladies and apparently there was like a um.. drive by. Resulting in shattered glass due to the shots that were fired.

Colson: So who was hurt then if there's a damn ambulance here?!

Jasminee: Would you stop screaming and let him explain?! Lord.

Officer: Um yes thank you, sorry.

The man clears his throat.

Officer: There were two individuals hurt that were hanging around the first floor. One male, one female.

Jasminee gasps as I take a deep breath.

Colson: Well where are the victims or whatever at now?

Officer: The two non-injured females are in that ambulance over there getting checked up. The other two are, um in the hospital.. Trying to get bullets removed.


Jas turns to me with a worrying look on her face.

Jasminee: Let's go check up on those two and then go to the hospital.

We go through the back of the ambulance where we see Casie and Bella.


To make a long story short, we check up on them and find out some more details on what happened.

We don't get much info outta them.

Since they were upstairs they didn't get to really see anything. And about ten minutes before the premeditated "drive-by" they left to the store. Leaving only Pete and Mia in the house alone.

About an hour later we get to the hospital. Jasminee goes up to the front desk to ask about Mia and Pete meanwhile I'm sitting with Casie and Bella trying to remain calm for not only them, but for myself.

Jasminee starts walking over to us but stops walking half way and looks to the left at the front entrance of the hospital.

I look over in that direction and just to our luck.. she stands in front of the doors, a smug look on her face.

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