The Game of Jasminee

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Jasminee's POV

Alana opens the door and we see TRIP enter.

This can't be good.

TRIP is a girlband that Isis is in, which if you did not recall Isis is very problematic and we just do not like the girl in general.

"Hey babies! How are ya?" Isis shouts as she enters the living room, her hands up in the air.

"Can I beat her up?" Bella whispers to us.

"No Bella!" I loudly whisper in response.

"I already did that anyway." Mia says in a cocky voice.

The other girls sit on the other couch with Alana.

Isis: So, how are you girls?

Isis voice is like a rich school girl. She's a literal trust fund baby.

"Could be better." Bella says as she sips her margarita.

The other girls just look around, like they didn't want to come here anyway.

Isis giggles, "Well you all have been having a few eventful days."

Rawine rolls her eyes. "Oh my god." She places her face in her hands.

Bella: Just shut up Isis, like nobody really likes you anyway. You're the least popular of your singing group and you start problems with other people just to be relevant.

Jasminee: It's giving Wendy Williams

Mia slaps my hand, "Don't get this story canceled." She whispers to me.

Tegan and Pip giggle at our confident remarks. Isis just rolls her eyes.

Isis: Well I'm not the one with a new boyfriend every few business days. And I'm not pregnant and have no committed relationship, but I can't speak for most people.

She glances at her nails and then back at us to see if she got a reaction out of us. I was over the top angry but I kept my cool. Mia and Bella on the other hand? They looked like they wanted to start war.

Isis walks over to Alana's kitchen and Mia and Bella follow her.

Pip: Should we break that up .. or?

Rawine: Nah, she earned whatever's comin' to her.

Teagan nods in agreement.

Pip: Alrighty then, but I want one of those candy drink thingy.

Jasminee: Girl. It tastes amazing.

I didn't have a problem with any of the other members of TRIP just Isis really got under everybody's skin. And I personally think that the rest of them are really chill.

I look over to Bella and Mia, who appear to be gangin' up on Isis. I can't hear what their saying and I can't mouth them out either because their talking rapid speed.

I stand up and walk over towards them. And the tension seems to keep getting higher.

Isis: Well, I said what I said. You're all just a bunch of whores anyway. Keep it in your pants love.

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