a whole lotta baggage

50 4 3

Throughout the whole night the house was silent. Not a single noise stirred.

I was conflicted on how to feel, on one note I was still hurting and on the other hand I feel guilty.

I awaken earlier than the sun; it was still dark out so I decided to take a shower before everyone else.

Colson was laying in my bed.. AND NO.. WE DID NOT DO THE HANKY-PANKY!


Colson was laying in my bed, his arm around me; I had to finesse my way out of the bed.

Quickly, I took my shower and got myself ready for me and the girls' interview. As I was adjusting my hair I see Colson entering the bathroom; scratching his hair with sleep in his eyes.

"Good morning." He says, wrapping one arm around my stomach.

I take his hand off of me, "Colson.. I- I can't do this right now." I say with a sigh.

He steps away from me, clicking his tongue in annoyance.

"It's because of him huh?"

.."I'm sorry what?"

He throws up his hands, "You're still hooked up on him. I mean fuck Jas I dunno what you see in that guy!"

I place my hands on the ridge of the marble sink. "Wow."

Colson: Yeah! It is 'Wow', He's done nothing but hurt you and I was still here at the end of the day.

Jasminee: YOU WEREN'T COLSON! You weren't! You want to paint yourself to be the best man ever in my life but you've hurt me too.

I feel my nose start to get nasally and my eyes getting puffy as i'm looking in the mirror.

"Tyler was here when you were sleeping with those Cali Girls, when you were doing shows, when you were dating these big time celebrities and barely came to hang out with me. When you couldn't comfort me? He was, he did."

I winced at the thought that I, Jasminee Trevino am yelling at Colson about Tyler once more. Almost every conversation that we have had in these past few months have been about Tyler.

Like Jeez can we have a non-problematic chapter?

Colson doesn't look me in the eyes, his arms are cross and is scratching the side of his nose.

"Okay, I get it.. I'm the bad guy."

He steps a few steps further into the bedroom being very close to the door. I can tell he's ready to storm off.

"Look Jas, I acknowledge your efforts. All of them.. Just.. let me know when you start acknowledging mine okay?"

I hear the door click closed.
Long day ahead.

I walk downstairs into kitchen and I see Pete, Bella, Tommy, Cely, Tyler, and this tall random guy gathered around the table.

Pete is playing around with Cely as she's eating her breakfast; sitting in a high chair near the island.

I dunno if it's a rich people thing or what but.. all these kitchens got islands. Like what are we castaways?

I walk over to them, all their eyes are on me.

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