Back & Forth

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As the show's theme song plays I can only look at Mia's bump.

It looks so big! How long has she been pregnant for?

Mia's Outfit

I try not to stare since I know everybody else is staring at her

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I try not to stare since I know everybody else is staring at her. I can tell that's she already nervous as it is.

Jimmy: Good evening everyone! Today I am here with everybody's favorite friend group, The E.N.E.M.I.E.S. Sitting with me today are, Colson, Pete, Bella, Jasminee, and Mia.. Who is .. also pregnant.

Jimmy chuckles slightly.

Colson: Thanks for havin' us.

Jimmy: Of course! How are you guys? The media haven't seen you guys together in like forever.

Pete: Yeah, It's just been a heck of a couple months.

Colson: I, for one.. am doing amazing.

Bella: Life is good but it's like you know, refreshing to be around people you love.

Well all nod in agreement.

Jimmy: So uh, Bella. We've seen you boo-d up recently. Tell us about that.

I turn to Bella, interested in what she's gonna say.

Bella: Yeah he's like my little ginger.

Bella giggles and I look at Colson, trying to figure out who this unknown ginger is.

Jimmy: Well I'm sure I can speak for everyone when I say we cannot wait to see his or her face and you two together out in public.

Yeah no kidding.

Jimmy: Mia! Will you tell us what it's like eating for two?

Mia chuckles, "Eating for three actually."

Jimmy: Oh wow! Twins? Well congratulations.

The audience claps and me and everybody else join in. I feel confused, frustrated, and upset.

I wanted to be there for Mia and I hope she'll talk to one of us about this situation.

Jimmy: What has the experience been like for you?

Mia: Um, it's been an experience that's for sure. But I think it's kinda cool, I'm excited actually.

Jimmy: Did you want to have a private pregnancy or did it just like happen for you?

Yes Jimmy ask the questions for mee.

Mia: Um well.. I'd say...

She holds her stomach for a moment.

Mia: Sorry, cramps. But anyway..

As Mia continues talking I find myself getting lost in my thoughts again.

"I got bashed on social media for having rumors of me being pregnant."

I didn't even realize how much our lives have changed it such a short amount of time.

So much has changed.

Jimmy: Alright, Coming up! We figure out The E.N.E.M.I.E.S opinions on one another. Stay tuned!

The theme song plays out and Pete and Colson begin to talk and walk out the set.

I grab Mia and Bella's hand, "We need to talk."

I drag both of them outside the building.

Jasminee: UM HELLO???

Bella: Hi, how are ya?

Mia: Lovely Weather, No?

Jasminee: MIA!

Mia: Don't yell at me!

Bella: Okay, I know I'm not gonna get yelled at.

Jasminee: Why did you just ghost us??

Mia: I didn't really.

Bella: Eh, depends on how you look at it.

"Whatcha talkin about?" Colson says as Him and Pete approaching us, chewing muffins.

Jasminee: I'm tryna figure out where Mia has been!

Pete: Well don't like interrogate her, I mean she is already pregnant.

Jasminee: Pete.. WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON??

Colson chuckles while taking another bite of his muffin.

Pete: I'm on Pete's side.

Bella: I think I'm on Pete's side too, I mean he's clearly going through it.

Pete: I thinks that's the nicest thing you have ever said to me.

Bella pats Pete's back.


Colson: What's the subject anyway?

Mia: Exactly.

Jasminee: The fact that we literally fell apart!

Pete scoffs, "I'd rather not relieve that night."

Bella: Well nothing happened to me so I have no issue bringing up the topic.

Mia: Right because your life is so fantastic at the moment.
Mia rolls her eyes.

Bella: Says the one who wouldn't even talk to us.

Mia: You didn't either evidently, and besides I was the one who actually took my hours in work.

Jasminee: Took a break from being reckless, huh Mia?

Mia: Wow, yes let's go there. At least I'm being honest.

Colson: Can we just chill out?

Mia: Yes, let's.

Mia walks inside the building.

Pete: You guys are intense.

Pete walks inside the building as well.

Bella: Well so much for group bonding

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