"So, about this hair-"

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Mia: Wait.. like for real?

Jasminee: Yeah, you've persuaded me.

Mia screams in excitement and rushes to the door.

Mia: I have to go change! Be back in about an hour.

Jasminee: Okay! Don't waste too much time on your hair!

Mia: Byeee! Love youu girl bosses!

Bella: Bye girl boss.

Jasminee: Love you too.

Jasminee's POV

Bella also goes back home to go change and I head upstairs to pick out an outfit.

The truth is I did wanna go out, but I felt exhausted. I've been stressing about Colson this whole time. I think I was too hard on him.

Maybe I was too honest that it came out harsh.


Well, he left.

He left you. And he took off like he always does.

Not saying when he was coming back, where he was going. Nothing.

So why do I feel so hurt by it?

I shouldn't care. It's not like he does anyway.

He probably never did.


I stare at myself in the mirror, a tear rushes down my cheek.

I feel sick. Like I'm gonna have a entire break down.

I wipe the tear away from my face.


Don't let him get to you.

His actions are not in your control.

If he cares, he'll come back.

This media stuff is getting to me.

We've been dating since eight o'clock this morning, not even five hours. It's been three I believe .

I think we're rushing this.

I think it's out of hand.


At this point.. I don't what to think.

I hear my phone get a notification. I look and see Mia sent me a text, I quickly open it.

I open the door and Mia's standing in front of me, holding one ice cream cone with a lot of Jimmies on it

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I open the door and Mia's standing in front of me, holding one ice cream cone with a lot of Jimmies on it. Yes I say Jimmies, it's a Philly thing. And one bowl with a cone sticking out of it, almost tipping over.

I take the cone out of her hand and place it on my island.

I turn to look at Mia, her wig is in rollers, she has socks and opened toe shoes on, and only has her eyebrows filled.

You can probably tell that she didn't really get ready at home and came right over.

Jasminee: Mia...

Mia: Hm?

Jasminee: .. You know you didn't have to do this right?

Mia gives me a death stare.

Mia: I don't have to do anything. But what I am gonna do is not allow my friend sob over some boy.

Mia sits at the island and starts eating her ice cream.

"Bella's on her way by the way, she got stuck in the ice cream line." Mia says with a mouth full.

She takes a few more mouth fulls of her ice cream and turns to me, both her hands on her hips.

"So, about this hair-"

Oh boy ..

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