"Are we really doing this?"

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"A reunion?"

Colson looks over at me. "Did you get that text too?"

I nod as I read the message out-loud.

"Dear Reader, We are here to inform you that we all would like to hold a reunion interview for The E.N.E.M.I.E.S. We would love to have you all attend. Blah blah blah.. If there are anything pacific requests, questions, or plans that need scheduling please let us know."

I'm dang near outta breath from reading that paragraph. I didn't even understand half the words.

Colson: Well that's like.. outta the ordinary.

Jasminee: Hm.. I got one from The Real about interviewing Mia, Bella, and me.

Colson: Well I only got that one about all of us.

We both stare at each other thoughtfully.

"I think you should go." Colson says as he grabs an apple off the counter walking towards the door.

Jasminee: I'm not going. They didn't wanna talk to me for that long why now?

Colson: Stop being so cocky babe, you know you're gonna go.

Jasminee: I am not. AND WHERE ARE YOU GOING?

Colson: I'm picking up Casie, And also Jas.. It's specific not 'pacific'

Jasminee: I hope you bend your toe on the sidewalk.

Colson: I love you!

Colson takes a bite out of the apple, I don't know what it is but the apples at my house must be amazing or something.

"Love you too." I say to him as he walks out the door.

I pace around my living trying to figure out this situation. "I'm not gonna go." I keep telling myself.

"It's gonna be awkward anyway."

"But I miss them alot-"

"I think I'm gonna try one of those apples"

"It could be fun."

"Or a disaster.."

.. I'm gonna go.

I check my phone and see that Bella texted our group chat that hasn't been active in months.


Bella: Did you guys get that text too


Colson: Yeah, u guys gonna go?

Pete: I don't know.

Bella: Oh.

I'm going

Colson: Ill go 2 then.

Pete: Colson. Stop texting so weird.

Ikr  he texts so ugly

Bella: So do you

ly2 Bella <3

Bella: Ig we can do it asap, so wednesday?

What's today?

Pete: Tuesday.

Colson: ig I have no plans.

Well let them management team know den.

Pete: Are we really doing this?

Bella: Pete you don't have to.

Well I mean you should
everybody else is anyway.

Colson: Is Mia doin it

Bella: Idk. I haven't talked her.

Me either

Pete: Well anyway see you guys tomorrow.

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