Baby Daddy Roulette

62 5 2

With her? Hell no with all this drama
I'd rather drink brown toilet water.


DAMN IT, What am I saying right now?

Megan smirks at me, "Great."

I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out, I hear horn honking. And It's really loud.

Megan and I look outside and see Bella.. and she's got a fake mustache and sunglasses?

She looks like Billy Ray Cyrus if he was a pedo!

Megan: Is that Bella?

Jasminee: What? No. Can't be. ...Well I should get going! Bye!

Megan looks at me confused, "Um.. Bye?"

I rush out the door and to the passenger side of the car

Jasminee: You guys coulda blown my cover!

Bella: Get in the car bitch.

I hop in the car and Bella speeds off

Mia cackles, "You gotta friends with Megannnn!"

Jasminee: No I don't.

Bella: But didn't you just agree to it?

Jasminee: IT WAS APART OF MIA'S PLAN. She set me up for failure.

Mia: Girl, don't blame the pregnant lady.

Bella: Oh don't play the pregnancy card.

Mia laughs.

Jasminee: They better arrest her or something.

Bella: They probably won't.

I stare at Bella, "Well why not? I did all this work they better!"

Bella: She's a celebrity, they can get out of almost anything.

Mia: I mean yeah, look at Bill Cosby.

Jasminee: SHHH! Before you get this story canceled.


Bella: So.. Date with Tyler? Yay or nay, I don't have all day ma'am.

Jasminee: Why? Are you hanging out with Mystery Man? And it's not a date!

Bella rolls her eyes, "Your names are so corny. And it is a date."

Mia: Yeah it is.

I hear Smokey whining in the back, him and Nala are in puppy carriers that are sitting in the back with Mia. WHICH THANK GOD BECAUSE I DO NOT WANT NO DANG Dog hair on my seat. It'll take days to get rid of that.

And I don't really know why Mia's sitting in the back anyway but hey. Shotgun

Mia: Well I mean she's not wrong, he's still a mystery to us.

Bella: Why does this have to turn on me? You both have issues yourselves.

Jasminee: True.

Mia: Touché

Jasminee: I just wanna know who it is.

Bella: I'll tell you when Mia tells us who her babies' father is.

Mia: I guess it's time I come clean.

Mia puts her hand over her face and sighs dramatically.

"It's Dubs'."

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