Bust em'.. Bad Girls Style.

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"Even if we do get her to admit it.. it won't mean anything."

Mia looks at me crazy, like I'm underestimating her.

Mia: You're underestimating me.

Bella: Isn't this a rom-com? This is becoming like one of those crime fighting action movies.

Mia: I know right? It's gonna be an exciting few chapters coming up I can feel it.

Look at us breaking forth wall.

Jasminee: So what do you have like spy cameras or something?

Mia smirks at me mischievously, I can tell she's got something up her sleeve.

Bella: Wait, Wait, Wait... What about Tyler?

Mia: See Bella...My plan is untouchable.

Mia reaches in the draw a yanks out a piece of paper.

"Okay so this is how it's gonna go." She says pointing on the paper

Mia: Jasminee. You're gonna accept Megan's invitation and she's a classy girl so more than likely she'll wanna have a lil' ol lunch chat.

Bella: How are you so sure?

Jasminee: It's California.. this stuff always happens.

Mia: Exactly, so I have prepared us for this situation. I bought some glasses with a camera and mic in it. So you talk to her about the situation and get any evidence. I'll also give you an ear piece, so wear your hair down.

Bella: Don't be dead on tho.

Jasminee: Okay. Not stressful at all.

Mia: Me and Bella will be communicating with you so we'll confirm if we heard anything from her and give the evidence to the police.

Jasminee: Cool.

Bella: Awn, I wanted to like beat her up and then bring her in.

Me and Mia stare at Bella.

Jasminee: Bella; you do know that we're business women right?

Mia: Yeah not dirty business women, although we would be so badass

Bella: I know right?

Jasminee: And who said I was agreeing to meet with Tyler?

I point to number six on the paper

Mia: ...Me duh.

Bella: C'mon Jasminee, you know you wanna go.

Mia: We're not saying that you have to be the best of friends but maybe you can get some closure? Maybe..possibly..yes..no..maybe so??

I inhaled slowly, I haven't seen Tyler since he left with the person that entered the door that night. Which ..I won't tell you about just yet.

And I'm freakin' annoyed because both of my love interests are jerks!

Jasminee: I don't know, I might.

You can probably hear the hesitation in my voice.

Bella: Everything that he did to you.. to us. Was incredibly terrible. But he made you happy.

I look over at Mia; she looks stumped.

Mia: ..She's got a point. You were glowing when he was in your presence. And who's to say that he hasn't changed?

Jasminee: Are you just tryna give him the benefit of the doubt because you're friends with him?

Mia rolls her eyes; annoyed.

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