"Who was that?"

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Hey just a reminder that Tyler is Jasminee's ex and he's covered in tattoos and wears glasses.

Hey just a reminder that Tyler is Jasminee's ex and he's covered in tattoos and wears glasses

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Ain't he fine?


Jasminee's POV

Well crap..

"Excuse me? Am I interrupting something?"

I turn around and with a bit of relief. It's Pete

Tyler: Yoo. So you're the guy Jasminee talks about so much-

Pete raises an eyebrow at me in shock. "Why yes. Yes I am."

Tyler shakes Pete's hand. Really Tyler?

Jasminee: Wait Pete.. Why are you just walking around?? What are your conditions? Do you need help? DUDE YOU WERE FREAKIN' SHOT.

I look at Pete. He's basically covered in scars and is wearing the same black long sleeve shirt from earlier.

You can see his cast on his right shoulder peeking through the rim of his shirt.

Pete: I'll have you know that I'm just fine Jasminee.

Jasminee: .. You sure?

Pete: I'm sure.

Jasminee: Positive?

Pete: Dude.. Yes I'm fine.

I stare at Pete for a moment and hug him tightly. "You're dumbass coulda been a goner."

Pete: I know, you'd be so bored without me.

I release him from my comforting embrace, leaving a smile on my face.

"At the family reunion" Tyler sings.

Me and Pete laugh at him.

Pete: Yo, what's your name dude?

Tyler: I'm Tyler.

Pete's eye widen a little as he looks at me. He bends over and whispers in my ear.

"Like as in your ex?"

He backs away to look at my reaction, I nod.

Pete: Am I like.. allowed to be nice to him or-?

Tyler: Yo. I'm standin' right next to you.

Pete: Shh. Grown ups are talking.

I giggle, "Yeah you can be cool with him it's fine."

Pete: Oh okay dope. Now get out the elevator I'm tryna get in there.

Me and Tyler step out of Pete's way so he can enter the elevator. He gets in, presses a button and then waves at us as the doors close.

There's a brief moment of silence that passes.

"I'm gonna go check on somebody for a moment, I'll catch up with you later. I mean if you want. Which like it's coo if you don't but um.. Yeah."

Tyler points to the room right next to Mia's. He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly and walks into the room, almost hitting the door.

Tyler looks like a cocky playboy right? Well he's actually pretty dorky he was the nerd at our school. He just became .. incredibly hot-

Colson walks around the corner, watching Tyler as he enters the room.

Oh crap.

"Who was that?"

Author: Ouuu purr issa bout to go down. Who's your favorite ship so far? 👀, I'd love to know.

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