A rude awakening

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Jasminee's POV

"Who was that?"

Well what the hell. How do you tell your boyfriend that kinda isn't your boyfriend about your hot ex that you think is so fine and not fine at the same time??

Jasminee: Umm that's one of my old friends, from uh .. Highschool.

Colson: Oh word? I've never seen him before.

Well that's because when he was in my life you Colson only cared about drinking, smoking, and parties.

Jasminee: Yeah he's just um.. In town for a while. I think?

Colson: Cool, you should invite him over sometime then.

NEVER gonna happen

Jasminee: Um sure.

Colson: Well I'ma go check on Pete, I'll be back.

He wraps his arm around my waist and kisses the top of my forehead gently. He gets in the elevator, I watch the doors close in on him.

Tyler: So that's Colson?

I turn to see Tyler standing in the doorway leaning against the wall.

Jasminee: Um.. yeah.

Tyler: Huh, Cool.

He enters Mia's room not saying another word. What does this boy have planned?

"Hey wait. What are you doing?"

I follow him trying to prevent him from entering, but he does anyway.

Bella looks up at us as we walk into the room, her eyes quickly turn into rage.


Tyler: Woah calm down yo, I'm not here to start anything.

Bella: I will fucking rip you apart.

Bella tries to make her way over to Tyler to strangle him but I try my best to hold her back.

Bella: Let me go so I can hospitalize him too.

Tyler: So, Bella? Miss me?

Bella: I miss the thought of crushing your face with my bare hands.

Jasminee: Bella calm down.

Mia: No keep going. I, for one am entertained.

I turn over and look at Mia who is sitting up in her hospital bed like nothing's wrong.

I quickly drop Bella and run to Mia.

Mia: Hey there buddy ol-

I cut her off in her sentence with my tight hug. She taps my back in return.

Mia: Okay now you're going to break the rest of my bones.

Bella: Wait you have broken bones?

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