Happy Family *UNEDITED*

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Warning: These next two upcoming chapters talk about abuse, suicide, and bad mental health. Proceed at your own risk.

AND ALSO.. "UNEDITED" means that the chapter has not been reread and looked at for spelling mistakes, I get lazy.

"Mia.. What? That's not even possible they have two different last names."

I pull his arm to bring him closer to the table. "It says it here on the file douche!"

I trace Dante's Finger over the line in which is says 'Father: Damien Anderson'.

Dante: But here it also say...

"That's he's deceased-"

I looked at the labeling in which it said my father was gone, it said he passed away due to a blood aneurysm.

Seeing it though didn't really strike or hit a deep nerve, my father had never been around anyway. But something about knowing that he was dead.. that I could never get closure? Kinda stung.

Dante: So Shakira changed her last name from constantly being on the run?

I nod, "It's the only logical thing I can think of."

My brother begins trotting around his living room, "None of this seems logical! How can you and Shakira of all people be sisters?"

"Ahh! I wouldn't exactly call us sisters .. for now at least."

Jasminee's POV

I'm watching Pretty Little Liars on the T.V in the room that I'm staying in and I see Pete enter the room from the corner of my eye.

"You're not naked are you?" He asked with his hand covering his eyes.

Jasminee: ..Um no, but maybe knock next time?

Pete: Dude it was already fucking open!

I laugh, "What can I do for you Peterkin?"

He gives me an eye roll and sits at the end of my bed.

"Are you gonna be okay to go out tonight? Cause you can sit this one out if you want."

I shake my head, "I-I'll be fine.. just maybe no drinking for me?"

Pete gives me a huge grin, "Awesome, I'll check on you in a few hours then!"

Should've known that's all he wanted. >:/

Dante's POV

Me and Mia are parked outside of Tyler's house, the car not running.. just sitting on the curb.

She hasn't said anything since leaving my house, I know she's got a lot on her mind and I don't even know how to help her.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask inhaling slowly.

"About Shakira? Nah, not really." Mia responds to me while she's messin' around with that ring.

"Let's talk about our family brother, I think.. I just might be ready.."

Mia's POV

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