Family Ties

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Jasminee's POV

I don't know why I was surprised

I don't know what I would've expect. What he would've expected. I had flashbacks from our conversation replay in my head.

"You slept with Megan? And now you're saying you wanna be with me?"

"I'm only telling you because I want to be honest!"

"Screw honesty! You slept with her right before you came to see me, sleep next to me."

"But I only wanna be with you."

"I think you need to leave Colson."

I snap out of my trance and hear my name being called downstairs. It's Pete .. of course.

"Trevino! Hurry up, it's a group meeting!"

I walk downstairs where everyone is gathered in Tyler's living room, everybody's sleepy and in their pajamas.

For the first time Tommy and Bella aren't snuggling one another, I don't know whether I should find it odd or satisfying.

Pete gives out a great yawn; moving his hands in the air. "Alright Losers, good mornin'!"

Tyler chuckles.

Justin: Is there a reason we're down here Big Guy? I gotta get to the gym in like... an hour.

Mia: You'll survive hot-shot.

Pete turns to mia, "Thank you." Justin scoffs.

Pete: I won't take much of your time, but t'night at five-thirty five. On the dot; No later! We will be going to the club, it is rented out with only specifics invited. I have the night set up so it can be enjoyable for all of us, even our pregnant Mia.. and our designated-driver 'Ty-Ty'.

Tyler: What makes me the driver? And don't call me 'Ty-Ty', it's weird.

Pete bows his head, "agreed, but because you're about the most responsible and Mia has the worst road-rage so she will not be coming with us. I'm trying to bring back that rental van in one piece." Mia rolls her eyes

Dub: What about da baby?

Tommy: Da baby?

Tyler: Yeah, who's watching Cely?

Mia: Me, duh.

Tyler smiles at Mia and Cely applauses in excitement.

Mia: I have work to get done tonight, and Cely is gonna be my beautiful model.

Pete: Any other questions?

Bella: Is there anything other than gambling?

Pete: Yeah, we've got a 'Make your own drink' bar, roll-up ice cream, and karaoke.

Tommy: I mean, I'm in.

Pete: Great, get whatever you need to have done finished by tonight. Cause we're not coming home until six in the morning.

Pete walks towards his bedroom.

Tyler: Wait seriously? I have work tomorrow!

I feel my stomach grumble and turning in knots.

Jasminee: Excuse me, I think I'm gonna be sick.

I run to the guest bathroom, because there was not a chance of me making it up the stairs.

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