"Am I interrupting something?"

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Oh lord.


No no no no no!

This can not be happening.
Why? Why today?

I turn around to look at him.

Tyler. Freaking. Parker.

Twenty-four years of age, a model with a pretty smile, oh! And most importantly...

My ex... Yay

He was my first love to be exact.

My first heartbreak.

All in all .. we have ... history. But i'd rather not reminisce on a nightmare from the past.

He's wearing a black t-shirt that's tight around his muscles. His pants are super clean and his entire outfit seems pretty nice, he's always known how to dress. His body seems tense, like what is this man doing in the hospital anyway?

"Yo Jasminee?! ..No way." He says with an awkward smile plastered across his face.

We haven't spoken in over two years.

I take my legs out the underneath of the table and turn to face him. Okay Jasminee; Game face on.

Jasminee: Yes, it's me.

Tyler: It's been a minute, how you been-?

I stare at him and I'm almost impressed.

This man basically destroyed me but looks fantastic. How unfair is that?

Jasminee: I've been .. better.

Tyler: Yeah.. I seen Mia. The doctors said she'd be okay doe, I was uh in there when she first woke up.

Jasminee: Mm .. how convenient

See I KNEW he brought her those flowers. He's the only other person that knew!

I roll my eyes and stand up to throw my foam cup away.

I start to walk away when I feel his hand wrap around my wrist.

His touch sent cold chills up and down my spine.


I give him an evil glare.

Tyler: I- .. I'm sorry I shouldn't have touched you, but can we at least like um.. Talk ya know?

I clear my throat and toss my hair over my shoulder, "Tyler. I have nothing to say to you."

Tyler licks his bottom lip and stares me in my eyes, his eyes are filled with guilt.. and passion?

Tyler: Okay but I do okay? And it doesn't have to be here or tomorrow but I wanna get a few things off my chest.

I grip my cup tightly, the nerve of this .. this bastard.

Tyler: Look Jasminee I know what went down with us wasn't pretty but I can admit my wrongs. And I'd be lying to myself if I said I didn't miss you.

I look him up and down. DANG IT WHY MUST HE BE SO FINE.

Jasminee.. You are in a somewhat relationship, get it together.

Tyler: So I hope that you'll give me a chance, to at least here me out and give you the proper apology you deserve.



Jasminee: .. Follow me.

He raises an eyebrow at me and smirks slightly.

I throw away my cup and make my way to the elevator.

I don't know what elevator this is but it isn't the one I was on before, like this one has music what the heck.

Tyler starts swaying his shoulders to the music

I try to hold in my laugh and keep a mad and mean looking composure.

Jasminee: Can you not?

He looks over at me and smiles, he chuckles and takes off his glasses.

"Dance with me." He says as he holds my hand for a split second, rubbing my fingers as he lets go and continues to dance to the music.

I roll my eyes and give-in to him and start dancing to the terrible music.

Tyler: See that's more like it. Just like old times.


Jasminee: Yeah right. You dance like a dad now.

Tyler: Girl what? Watch yo mouth I still got it.

We both laugh as we sway away in a elevator.

If you told me that I was dancing in a hospital elevator with my ex the same day somebody shot up my friends and my house about an hour ago I woulda slapped you.

It was just something about this moment.

It just felt right

I mean so help me God, I hated this man.

So much that it pained the life out of me to even explain what he did to me.

But out of all the people in the world. He was the only one that could make me feel like I had no cares in the world.

Like I was still a little kid coloring on a bright afternoon.

He put a smile on my face even when I didn't ask him to.

And .. I needed that right now

"Excuse me."
"Am I interrupting something?"

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