"We're goin' to Vegas baby!"

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It was the next day but I was restless.

The look on Tyler's face kept replaying in my head and it drove me insane. He was hurt, and I was the one that hurt him..

8:33 AM

I walk downstairs and see everybody knocked out on my couch.

Everybody's cuddling each other. Bella and Tommy, Mia and Pete, and my personal favorite.. Slim and Dub <3

Love that for them.

I start up my coffee pot and see Bella's head pop up as soon as I start brewing.

She walks over to me and leans on my counter top. "Morning." She yawns.

I grab out two mugs and I pour the fresh brew in the mugs.

"Long night huh?" Bella asks me as she takes one of the coffees, she grabs one of the creamers out of my fridge as she waits for me to reply.

I nod, "Yeah I got like no sleep last night I was tossing back and forth."

Bella: Yeah well, I'm guessing it didn't go so well because after that whole thing happened. Colson came storming downstairs lookin' mad as hell.

Jasminee: Yeah. It's always like a mess with us I feel like.

Bella: Yeah no freakin' kidding, y'all lives problematic as hell.

Well dang Bella don't sugar coat it too much now.

"So what's up with Mia and Pete?" I ask, pointing to them snuggled together on the couch.

Bella shrugs and looks at me, "They literally like each other I don't know why they just won't be officially together."

"Right?" I respond enthusiastically. "And she's having his baby!"

Bella's sipping on her coffee but spits it out instantly once she hears what I just said.

"She's what?!" Bella questions me in shock.

Uh oh-

"We're having two of them so it would be plural."

I look over and Mia's awake, walking over to us kinda wobbling.

Jasminee: Damn girl you pregnant.

Mia rolls her eyes at me and yawns, "yeah no kidding."

Bella: So nobody was gonna tell me Pete's the father?


Mia: I was.. but I guess Jasminee beat me to it.


Mia grabs a mug from my cabinet, she rolls it to me on the counter surface. She gives me a fake grin.. I can tell she's gonna be pissed.

Jasminee: I'm sorry okay?! It just slipped out.

Bella rolls her eyes, "Dat fat ass mouth is why you always pushin' Tyler away"

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