"It could work."

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"We're Screwed"

"We're so fucked right now" I say roaming around my kitchen frantically.

Colson: We are not screwed

Pete: Yeah, you're pretty screwed.

Mia hits Pete with the back of her hand as he laughs.

Bella: Yeah .. not helping

Pete: I mean hey, I'm just being honest. Like why the hell are you making out in front of the house with the door open anyway? What is this a Rom-Com? Like I didn't wanna see that shit.

Colson: Shut up.

Jasminee: LOOK! It's literally all over The Shaderoom.

I point to my phone as everybody else looks at theirs, scrolling through social media.

Mia: It's trending on twitter too.

Bella: Damn. Double Homicide.

Pete: Somebody even wrote a blog on it. Damn that's one efficient blog.

Mia: Lemme see

Mia and Pete read over the blog and Colson walks up to me.

He places his hand on my lower back and looks at me thoughtfully.

"It's gonna be okay. I'm sure the media won't drag your name in the dirt like you think." Colson says.

"Dude? So you're just gonna lie to her?" Pete says.

Mia jabs her elbow into his chest. "Ow. I mean c'mon, let's be realistic here." Pete rubs his chest.

We all sit in silence for a few seconds. Waiting for this six foot idiot to speak again.

Pete: They saw you and Jasminee kissing, and nobody knows about you and the damn breakup yet so they'll assume you're cheating and she's the side chick.

Mia raises her elbow. "Let me finish." Pete says pointing his finger at Mia.

Mia raises down her elbow.

Pete: We live in this 'Cancel Culture' or whatever the people call it these days I don't fuckin' know. BUT. They are gonna come for her unless the media gets an explanation. So...Col' either say you're together or that the picture was staged or somethin'.

Mia: .. Wow you sound so hot.

Pete: I'm sorry what?

Mia: Hot! Like um .. your breath is burnin' my eyes right now. Yep. mhm.

Pete breaths into his hand, checking if what's she's saying is true.

Bella: I think faking a relationship sounds like a good idea.

Jasminee: That's gonna get so hectic and complicated.

I look over at Colson who has a entirely blank face.

"It could work."

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