a rose, and a new petal.

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I was in shock and for the most part, I was incredibly nervous.

Like did Tyler hate me or not? Because he's been avoiding me but is letting me stay at his bing-bling bingo bango looking house!

Mia comes from the middle hallway; which is underneath the stairs.

"Mia. Bella. Outside, now." I tell them in a dominated tone.

Mia groans and Bella nods as the three of us head to the door.

Pete: So um, where's our rooms?

Me and the girls sit on the stoop in silence.

"So.. are you gonna say something or?" Bella asks in somewhat irritation.

"Really Mia? Tyler's house?" I say frustrated pointing at the house.

Mia gives me an eye roll, "Sorry for trying to mend your situation and also give you a nice getaway." She scoffs at me.

Bella grabs a piece of gum in her purse and pops it into her mouth, "It won't be that terrible chill and have a good time for once." She says messing with her silky hair.

Bella's Outfit and Hair:

Bella's Outfit and Hair:

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"You guys don't understand! He probably hates me right now

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"You guys don't understand! He probably hates me right now." I whine.

"Yes he must really hate you if he invited us to his beautiful house for free and is gonna let us stay her for a while." Bella mocks me in a lack of concern voice.

"Oh the audacity, the horror!" Mia says and then faints dramatically onto Bella's lap.

"Oh shut up already I get it!" I stomp like a bratty teenage girl.

They both smirk at me. "Well let's go back inside cause I need a shower from being in the car with Dub." Bella suggests as she wipes off her wooly baby blue sweater.

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