Oh lord-

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Jasminee's POV;

Megan stares at us, playing with her nails.

An awkward, yet guilty looking expression on her face.

Author's note: This is a back to back conversation there are no pauses while reading btw.

Megan: ... Why would you think that I have something to do with it?

Megan laughs awkwardly.

Jasminee: Nobody said that they thought that.

Colson: Ouu, real suspicious.

Bella: Why so shaken up Meggy?

Megan: Um.. Do not call me that. We are not friends.

Bella: Wouldn't dream of it... Meggy.

Jasminee: Why aren't you answering any of our questions?

Megan: Why am I being interrogated?

Colson: It wouldn't have to be if you would answer our questions .

Casie: It might turn into one though.

Bella: Call us The Mystery Crew.

Receptionist: Um, you may go see your friends now-

There's a long pause as we look at the receptionist

Jasminee: What room?

Receptionist: B04 and B06

Me, Bella, Colson, and Casie look at each other.

We all rush to the elevator, leaving Megan in the waiting room.

We run into the elevator and spam click the 'B' floor button.

The elevator shuts and we start going up.


Colson taps his foot and me and Casie look around in our small given space, Bella texting away on her phone.

Colson begins to whistle.

Bella slaps the back of his head

Colson: Dude what the hell?

Bella: You're annoying.

Casie: Mm. Language? 🤨

Colson taps Casie's back, "Sorry."

Casie crosses her arms and turns her head in the other direction dramatically.

Jasminee: Can this thing go any faster?

Bella: Nope.

Colson leans over into Bella's phone.

His mouth makes an 'O' shape and his eye widen in shock and excitement.

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