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It's been about three months since that one explosion of a night..

Everything just blew up in everybody's face.

It's been three months since I've spoken to my friends.

Me and Colson had put aside our differences, that meaning we never spoke of situation since.

But I haven't spoken to Pete, Bella, or Mia since that night. I've only like 'stalked' their social medias. But Mia seems to have fallen off the grid. I mean we called ourselves The E.N.E.M.I.E.S because we always argued, but I didn't think we would end out somewhat hating each other.

Bella has been more open about her relationship on social media YET NOBODY KNOWS WHO IT IS. But other than that she seems to be really happy..

And Colson's the only one who has spoken to Pete since they are like best friends, and he seems more depressed. ...ya know. More than usual. But there's nothing I could really do about it.. he wouldn't talk to me.

And it broke me..

the fact that we had all gone our separate ways all because of one night. Only a few hours at that-

It took one night for us to fall out.

I seemed to be mourning the lost of my friends.

It ached my heart to not be around them... I was surrounded by them everyday. I worked with Mia and Bella for god's sake. We all had never went longer than a day without speaking to one another for 11 years.

I can only hope that we can pick up the pieces I suppose..


I'm in the kitchen leaning against the island with a cup of coffee in my hands.

I hear the door open a shut pretty fast, I knew it was Colson but I didn't look up at him.

"Hey Babe." He said as he walked pass me to get to the fridge.

"Hi." I mumbled being lost in my thoughts.

I feel him hover over me but I choose to stay silent.

Colson: You're still hung over that night and .. whatever? ...C'mon Jas', it's been months.

I turn around to face him. Kind of mad at him for saying that.

Jasminee: You're right. It has been months. AND THAT'S THE PROBLEM! We haven't even been working the same shifts at work anymore. I haven't been in the same room with them forever.

He just stares at me. Colson knew that I missed Pete but he also knew that not speaking to Mia or Bella broke me on the inside.

Colson: Okay, my bad. But you can't be just saggin' around everywhere. It's not like healthy and stuff.

I hug him. "I know thanks for worrying about me." I say, my words muffling as I speak in his shirt.

He returns my embrace and pats my head. "It's okay. I know you're hurting. I just don't want it holding you back all the time."

I feel a tear go from my face to his shirt. The room is silent.

Well.. Until I hear my phone ding-


Colson's phone also dings a few times.

We go to check our phones.

"A reunion?"

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