Chaper 1

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I watch as my crazy sister runs into the first store she see's like the psycho she is. "Arabelle catch up we're here to find you something and you can't even catch up" the psycho nagged. I love my sister but when it comes to shopping Jessica tends to go over board.

The only reason I even came is because of he constant nagging about me being a freshman and wanting to make a good impression. Oh and the boys how they are as she put it mature and to die for. Honestly if she wasn't my sister I would think she was a nut job.

"Belle are u listening" Jessica says holding up a way too revealing blue dress. "Jay you have to be kidding me that looks like someone just sowed scraps of fabric together. I'm not wearing that." "It's not for you it's for me" she said in a duh tone. "Isn't it a mixer for just the freshmen?" I asked her.

"Yeah but me and some of my friends are crashing it!" I just rolled my eyes Jay was 27 but she acted my age. My mom says it all the time she says all her girls act differently from their age. She says me and Ana my little sister act older while Jay acts like she's fresh out of high school"

After hours of Jay's nagging and thousands of stores later we finally found my dress. Jay says it's plain but she agreed on it because it's tight and showed my figure.

Once we get home I greet my mom and complain about Jay's shopping obsession. "Mom I'm telling you the girl is hopelessly addicted to shopping" my mom just laughed and told me that's what big sisters are for. As I'm talking to my mom I hear Jay yelling from the top of the stairs "Belle get ready we have to be there in 3 hours!" In this moment I was convinced she's a nut job who needs 3 hours to get dressed. Our house is only 45 minutes away from the University. But knowing Jay she won't stop yelling until she gets what she wants. So I march myself up the stairs to get ready.

Once I'm in my room I go to my bathroom shower, brush, my teeth, lotion, and do my make up it's not much just lip gloss and mascara. Once I leave my bathroom I enter my room to see my dress, earrings, shoes, and a clutch laid out on my bed. "Jay's doing" I say to myself. After getting dressed I put my hair and a sleek low ponytail. Once I look in the mirror I smile to myself as I see a strong beautiful girl staring back at me and I couldn't be more proud of her. Right on cue I hear Jay yelling telling me to come don't stairs it's time to go. I look at the clock and it's 7 the mixer starts at 8. I guess Jay was right I think to myself. With one final glance at myself I head down stairs.

When I get down stairs I'm met with my mom, Ana, and Jay

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When I get down stairs I'm met with my mom, Ana, and Jay. "Belle you look beautiful" my moms says "You look so pretty" Ana says "No need to thank me" Jay says sarcastically. "Thank you mom and Ana" I say while Jay fakes hurt. "Whatever we have to go or we'll be late" We kiss mom and Ana bye and leave.

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Well that was my first chapter Dinos don't forget to vote and comment!

Question of the day: Dino nuggets or chick-fil- a nuggets?

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