Chapter 30

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Arabelle's POV

After maybe 30 minutes or so we arrive at this beautiful house with trees and plants all around. There's so many windows and
lights around this house I love it.

"It's beautiful" I say amazed "My grandfather, my uncles, and Simons dad built it. They all built each other's houses. This ones so big because over the year my grandfather would add on to it until a few years ago my grandmother forced him to retire."

"Forced?" I ask curious at how she did that. "Forced like she hid all his tools and wood and threatened any and everyone who had tools or wood to not give him any."

"She sounds like a very determined woman" he laughs showing that little twinkle in his eyes he has when he's happy. I notice it's there a lot especially when he talks to me or when he's telling me stories about Ryan.

"Is she like your mom?" I have to ask because a second version of his mother I don't think I could deal with. "In a way" getting out of the car coming over to open the door for me.

"Giovanni il mio bambino come hai portato una ragazza è la tua ragazza molto carina" this gray hair short woman comes running out of the house. She engulfs him in a big hug. Behind her is a group of people rushing out the house all of them yelling and hugging him.

I find myself smiling at the scene in-front of me they all look so happy. They look like one big happy family. Watching Gio around his family is different from the ball around his mom.

"Arabelle" Gio calling my names pulls me out of my thoughts. Looking around I see everyone staring at me this isn't awkward at all. "Guys this is Arabelle my........uh friend" is it weird that I felt a ping in mg heart when he said friend. Not being able to dwell on the feeling longer his grandmother rushes over to be and hugs me.

"oh mio dio una ragazza il mio bambino non ne ha mai portato uno a casa sei una ragazza molto carina" I look at Gio so he can tell me what she just said. "parla solo inglese e non è la mia ragazza"

"la sciocchezza" she waves him off before turning to me smiling brightly. "I've always wanted him to bring home his girlfriend I'm Sofia." She pulls me into a warm hug. "We just friends" she gives me a unconvinced look.

"Sof let them at least get in the house before you match make" the  older man who I'm guessing is her husband comes over and wraps his arms around her pulling her into the house.

Following them inside I'm amazed at how beautiful and different the inside looks. It's down to earth if that makes sense its simple but yet over the top I don't know it's just perfect. It's like a simple family home inside a mansion.

Walking down the long hallway with photos in frames lining the ways. When we reach the dining room the table is already set with the food sitting on the table. We all take our seats Gio's grandparents at the head of the table and me and Gio seating to the right of Sofia.

"Are you going to introduce us or what golden boy?" A girl who looks maybe my age dark hair seating across from us yells at Gio.  "I asked you to stop calling me that already" Gio pouts like a child causing me to let out a small laugh. He shoots me a laugh making everyone else at the table let out a laugh it's funny how such a big man can make these childish faces it doesn't work for him.

"Whatever" he rolls his eyes before continuing. "She's my cousin Isabella" he points to the girl across from me. "That's my cousin Lorenzo next to him is Antonio" he points to the two twin boys that fill the seats next to Isabella they look about 14 or 15 Antonio hair is darker but that's the only difference between the two. "We're his favorite of course"  Antonio shrugs.

"Lies I'm his favorite he always plays dress up with me when he comes not you guys it's that right Gio" the adorable little girl with black hair with purple strikes says licking her tongue out at the boys. "That's absolutely right princess" she smiles at him.

"This is my favorite cousin also my favorite fairy princess Valentina." She lets out an adorable little giggle "I love your hair"  I tell her. She's so precious she has to be at least 5 but she's so little she reminds me of when Ana was little.

She thanks me and Gio continued introducing his Aunt Lucia and Uncles Matteo and Marco and his grandfather who he's name after. Everyone greets me and begins eating and starts small talk about older things or everyone's day.

"Where's Leo" Antonio asks Gio "He's back home in New York he's really busy with his business." Gio answers but he staring at his plate and not his eyes telling me he's lying and judging by the look on Sofia's face she can tell too.

Dinner went well the food was great and I really like his family. It's different from what I'm used to it's not lonely and I like it. "Come on we have to check in" Gio says once I'm done helping Sofia and Isabella with the kitchen. "Your leaving?" Sofia says from behind me.

"Yeah" my mood kind of dampens I don't want to leave I like it here everyone so nice. "No stay we have room and you barley come to visit anymore" Gio looks at me for help but I'm bias I want to stay and judging by his face he sees I want to. He lets out a sign "okay" "Yay" both me and Sofia jump for joy.

"You know the way to your room Simon already brought your bags up I knew your were staying" She kisses his cheek goodnight and then mine and her and Giovanni head to their room.

I look at Gio seeing his face and laugh "She sorty played you" he lefts out a chuckle "That's always"
He says with that twinkle in his eyes again he might not admit it but he wanted to stay too. "Tour?" "Sure" he pulls my hand but stops when he sees I'm not following he turns around giving me a questioning look.

"Those are a lot of steps" I say hinting at him. Playfully rolling his eyes he bends down for me to get on his back. "Thank you, your the best" "Yeah yeah" he says in a sarcastic way.

He gives me the tour showing me everyone's houses room he showed me a art room where there's a side for painting and a side for pottery. He said Sofia likes both and so does his aunt.

On our way to our room we stop and see Valentina's room seeing that she still up. "Giooo" she yells bouncing up and down seeing him. "Let's play dress up please" now this I have to see he makes a awkward face kinda like he's scared to tell her no.

"It's late I just came to tell you goodnight but tomorrow I will come and play dress up with you" he tells her tucking her in her bed. "You too?"she asks pointing at me "I wouldn't miss it for the world" I smile at her she nods giving Gio a kiss goodnight and we leave her room.

Walking to our room just like Sofia said our bags are on our bed. "You can use this bathroom to shower I'll use the one down the hall" agreeing I grab my clothes and head in the bathroom.

After I'm finished in the bathroom the jet lag sets in. Gios not back so I leave the lamp on his side on and get under the covers. Not long after I feel the bed dip Gio pulls me closer into him. He kisses my ear telling me a quick night before falling asleep.

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