Chapter 5

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Giovanni St.Clair POV

After the vixen left my office I felt like I could breathe again. It's hard to be in the same room with her when all I want to do is bend her over my desk tie her hands behind her back and fucking her senseless. I can't help but to want to make her mine the way her brown-skinned glowed the way her eyes were mesmerizing I could stare at them for days and never get bored. The way her voice was soft but laced with confidence how she would bite her lip when I catch her staring. And her body soft curves decorated her body perfectly and her fit legs just added to how much I wanted her. She could make any man fall to his knees without even speaking.

Even though I couldn't control myself around her I couldn't help but want to be around her and learn what goes on in that pretty head of hers. My thoughts were cut short by my phone's loud ringing. I check the caller id to see it was Ryan- brother- call "what the hell does he want" I shake my head answering.

"What do you want"

"Is that any way to speak to your only brother"

"I'm going to ask again what do you want"

"Come on I just wanted to see if you wanted to get a drink tonight at the new club I just bought"


"And before you say your busy save it it's my new club and I want your support and as my brother, you have to support me it's in the brother's handbook."

"Fine ill be there at 8"

"Thank you see you tonight" and he hangs up

I sighed getting up leaving my office to start my next class.

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