Chapter 21

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Mature content below ;)
Arabelle's POV

When we reach his room he sets me on my feet. He stands directly in front of me "on your knees" without a second thought I'm on my knees. "Lets fill that pretty mouth of yours" he leans down and gives me a quick kiss before undoing his belt. Pulling his pants down then his underwear.

Looking up at him underneath my lashes he nods. I take him in my mouth not being able to fit him all the way in my mouth. Pulling my head back circling my tongue around his tip and taking him back in my mouth. "Fuck you look like such a pretty little whore with my dick in your mouth." Moaning at his words sucking faster pumping what I can't take in my mouth with my hands. "You like when I call you a whore don't you." Nodding feeling myself getting wetter by the minute. Needing relief in between my legs I look in his eyes pleading he nods allowing me to touch myself.

My hand travels to my wet clit leaving one hand on his dick. As soon as my fingers enter me he thrust into my mouth hit the back of my throat daring me to go faster. His speed increases making me gag and my fingers work faster.

"Take it like the good little whore you are" I moan as I speed my fingers up meeting his thrust feeling nots in my stomach he grabs my hair hold my head hitting the back of my throat which each thrust until he throws his head back cumming down my throat. Cumming on my fingers I pull my fingers out and release his dick with a pop.

Grabbing my throat he pulls me unto my feet taking my fingers that were inside of me in his mouth sucking them clean. Releasing my fingers he lays me back on the bed. "Because you were such a good girl you get to pick ropes or a blindfold?"

Without having to think "Ropes" I speak. He nods and walks to his draws and grabs rope tying my hands to above me head on the headboard. I pull at them to test how tight they are. He stares at me before leaving. He comes back in with a glass full of ice and scissors. He sits the glass on the night stand holding the scissors walking towards me. "I'm not going anything you won't like" nodding my head feeling more relaxed.

He comes over and cuts the dress making sure to press the scissors against my skin making me want him even more. Once the dress is cut he places the scissors down and grabs a ice cube putting it in his mouth. Pressing it against my skin slowly running from my neck to my breast circling my nipples to my stomach. Throwing my head back moaning "please" I beg I need him but he's not going there he's teasing me.

"Please what what do you want tell me and I'll give it to you" he says grabbing another ice cube circling my nipples again. "Fuck please make me cum" "Good girl" he says before going down lightly pressing the ice cube on my clit.

"Fuck" I pull at the rope throwing my head back as he slides his fingers in sucking my clit. As his fingers speed up he looks in my eyes enjoying seeing me not being able to move. I start to shake as I feel myself getting close. Panting and begging him not to stop I cum.

When he's done he comes up and kisses me before turning me over onto my knees. He grabs a condom sliding it on positioning himself at my entrance. Putting just his tip in and holding it there he wants me to beg him. I can't take it I need him to much to think about my pride.

"Please I need you" with that he thrust into pushing my head into the pillow we both moan. Filling me to the brim he start pumping into me. Holding my hips pressing hard leaving a mark I feel myself getting wetter at the thought of him marking me.

He slaps my ass increase his thrust going deeper making me scream his name. "Fuck" he groans pulling out turning me to face him. Putting my leg on his shoulder he thrust into me hard. I start to pant feeling myself about to cum. He grabs my throat "not until I tell you."

Nodding I tighten around him to keep myself from cumming. He keeps pumping into me increasing his speed with each thrust. I feel tears running down my cheek "I can't hold it please" he pumps into me again before groaning "cum"

Not having to be told twice I cum not long after I feel the condom being filled. Riding out my orgasming I moan he pulls himself out of me. He kissing me before untying me.

He lifts me and takes me to his bathroom siting me on his sink before running a bath. A coconut scent fills the bathroom as he runs the bath. When he's done he puts me into the tub and sits behind me washing my body.

Once he's finished he drys me and puts on of his shirts and boxers on  me and takes me to his bed. As soon as the pillow hits my head I'm falling asleep.

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