Chapter 24

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Giovanni's POV

Trying to keep my eyes off her seems impossible she's beautiful. "Why do you keep looking at me," she says looking up at me. "Because your beautiful" she smiles at me and I feel my heart stop. I've never been so addicted to somebody when I'm around her I feel at peace I feel like we're the only people in the world and nothing can break us.

"Gio?" Arabelle's sweet voice pulls me out of my thoughts "Yes love" I watch as she plays with her fingers in her lap. "What's your mom like you never talk about your parents?" I let out a long sigh before I speak my mom is not an easy topic to talk about.

"She's difficult when my mom and dad first came to America they were so in love. They would cook together and go on little dates that sometimes would just be in our backyard but my mom loved it."

"Then when Ryan turned 5 they started a designing company and my mom became power-crazed she would work all day and night. And when she did come home she was different she didn't have a love in her eyes she wouldn't even talk to us she would go in her office and work some more." I sigh and look out the window before continuing.

"My dad just got tired of it and left he gave her the whole company and left us. And it made mom just crazy she would come home drunk and just throw things. When I turned 18 she wanted me to help with the company she just wanted me there for so she could have the public think we were this big happy family."

"But I didn't want to become like her power-hungry so I said no and went to school to teach. And she hated every part of that she called me the disappointment she said I was just like my father I wasn't a man and would leave all my responsibilities just like him."

Talking about my parents it's hard but she makes it easy she makes me want to spill my guts out and it's crazy. She puts her head on my shoulder "I don't think you're like him I think your strong you stood up for your happiness and that's huge."

"Thanks" I say leaning down pecking her lips. She smiles up at me grabbing my hands interlocking our fingers.

After a little while of just holding her hand and feeling my nerves calm Ryan speaks. "We're here"

I take a deep breath and smile at her "let the games begin."

Wanted to give you guys a feeling of Gio hope you like it. Vote and comment!!!

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