Chapter 2

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Once we get to the University I immediately feel out of my comfort zone. There's people everywhere and everyone is talking and to make matters worse Jay left with her friends. In her defense she asked me did I want to come but I dislike her friends they act snobby and privileged. Not saying that I'm not privileged but acting it is so what the word nauseating to act privileged.

As I'm looking around I notice a snack table and immediately head that way don't judge me I didn't eat before I left home. Once I get there I grab a plate and start filling my plate. Once I'm done I make my way to a conner to eat in peace. But on the way to my conner I bump into a freaking man but that's beyond the point the point is I dropped my food.

"Nooooo" I whine "omg I can't believe I dropped my food" While I'm whining I totally forgot the man was even in front of me until he starts talking "I believe the words your looking for are I'm sorry I bumped into you" he mutters rudely. That's when I finally look up and see who I bumped into. And saying this man was handsome was the understatement of the year.

The man looked like he was crafting by god himself. He stood towering over me he had to be at least 6 foot 2. With his stormy grey eyes brown hair and trimmed bread both had specs of gray. He was wearing a all black three piece suit that was tight enough to see his muscles bulging though the suit jacket. He wore a bulky sliver ring on his middle finger and man did it suit him well.

It wasn't until the man cleared his throat that I noticed I was in his face gawking at him

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It wasn't until the man cleared his throat that I noticed I was in his face gawking at him. I wanted to crawl in a whole and never come out. When I looked up at his face embarrassed he held a eyebrow raised with a smirk. If I wasn't so scared to embarrass my self more I would get on my knees for this man. Then I remembered that I was being rude and still hadn't apologized for bumping into him "I'm sorry for bumping into you sir I wasn't looking up" I said surprising myself at how calm I sounded. "Next time we should look up them shouldn't we"  his voice was so raspy so deep so intimidating.

I cleared my throat before speaking again "Yes sir we should"  "Good  girl" he said making my stomach flutter and my panties soaked. "What's your name" he asks "Arabelle " I respond "Full name" "please "  he added it sounded so foreign on his tongue like he's never used the word before. "Arabelle. Michelle Jones" I say proud and lucky to have such a beautiful name. "Giovanni St.Clair but you may call me Mr.St.Clair"

I was about to respond when I heard Jay's loud drunk voice shaking my head I bid Mr.St.Clair goodbye and go to get my nut job of a sister out of her before she embarrassed me or herself anymore.

After a long 20 minutes of convincing Jay that it was finally time to go home. We exit the University but I couldn't help but feel holes beening brunt in the back of my head. I turn around and see Mr.St.Clair  staring at me with no shame when he saw me noticing he just continued to stare. Finally getting my drunk sister in the car I turn to see Mr.St. Clair gone.

Once we reach home I get my sister in her bed. And go to my room and get ready for bed. Once I'm done I lay in my bed a thoughts of the beautiful man flood my brain how intimidating he was and how his voice was so deep but yet peaceful to listen to. Pushing him out of my head and signing I sleep with hopes of seeing Mr.St. Clair tomorrow.

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Hi dinos I hope you like it don't forget to like and comment  hugs 🫂

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