Chapter 8

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Arabelle's POV

"Belle get up you have class in a hour" I groan getting up. The weekend is way too short like why do we have 5 weekdays but only 2 days for the weekend. What sense does that even make.

Making my way to the bathroom starting the shower. While waiting for it to heat I see the marks on my neck from Friday there faded but still visible. Staring at them causes flashes from that night to flood my mind at the same time butterflies fill my belly.

I'm nervous to see him today. How will he act how will I act. Does it mean something. Snapping myself out of my thoughts I get in the shower.

After showering I cover the marks with concealer simply because Jay and Ana would go crazy and ask me thousands of questions about who gave them to me.

Finally correctly covering the mark. I start to get dressed. Today's outfit was light simple cropped orange shirt like washed jeans and orange and black Ones.

Happy with the way I look I yell a bye to everyone get my keys and leave

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Happy with the way I look I yell a bye to everyone get my keys and leave.

I can do this I can do this I repeat to myself. I'm already late but I can't manage to get out of the car to face Mr.St.Clair. I kissed him we kissed how am I supposed to face him. I groan and say forget it I'm not going today I'm just going to call it a sick day.

Since I missed breakfast I decided to go to Starbucks. When I get inside I order my drink and danish. Once I get my drink I sit and scroll through Instagram trying to figure out things to do today. As I'm scrolling I hear my name being called I look up to see Jay's friend Callie coming my way.

Callie is not like all Jay's friends she actually pretty down to earth and not problematic.

"Hey" she chirps

"Hey what are you doing here"

"I don't have classes until the afternoon what about you"

I fake cough while rubbing my throat acting as if it's sore "I'm sick"
She just laughs "Not feeling class today?" I nod and laugh "I know the feeling"
"So what do you plan to do today"
"I haven't decided yet"

"Let's go shopping!"

"Okay" I shrug

I get my drink and head to my car.

      ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
I know a quick chapter but vote and comment ;)

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