Chapter 18

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Giovanni's POV

While I'm sitting at my desk going through paperwork I feel my phone buzzing in my pocket. Taking it out seeing who is calling I let out a huge breath before answering.

"Mom" I try to sound like I'm not annoyed but it doesn't work.

"Don't use that tone with me I was calling to see if you're coming to my charity ball Saturday you haven't sent your RSVP back."

She might sound like she's giving me a choice to come but I know my mother she's not the one to ask for anything.

"Yes I'll be there," I say rolling my eyes

"Great because Stephannie coming," I would say I'm surprised hearing this but I'm not Stephannie's the gold-digging girl my mother wants me to marry.

She says she worry's about me dying alone or whatever she says. But I know she only wants me to marry her for a image. My mother is obsessed with what people think of her and her " Beautiful happy family". It's annoying if you ask me.

"I told you I'm not marrying her or even considering it," I feel a headache coming on.

"No sense Stephannie is a wonderful girl and she will be there Saturday I expect to see her on your arm by the end of the night," And with that, she hung up.

I groan running my hand through my hair knowing Saturday is going to be a nightmare. While I'm sitting here my phone dings. I see Arabelle's name pop up telling me she's free Saturday. An idea pops up in my head I just hope she agrees.

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