Chapter 37

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Arabelle's POV

"Wake you ass up take a shower and put something nice on we're taking you to brunch." These buttholes come bursting through the door throwing to covers off me I could kill them. "It's Saturday we gave you two weeks to mope and now it's time to smell the roses buttercup."

"Callie" I whine "Don't Callie me." I look at Jay in hopes she'll take pity on me but she just shakes he head. Groaning I agree I guess it is time to finally get up.  "Get out so I can shower."

"Put a little make up on you look dead" Callie say laughing. Rolling my eyes at her I walk in my bathroom. Seeing myself for the first time in two weeks was eye opening she was right I looked dead I looked sad. Not letting myself linger on how I look I start the shower and step inside.

After showering I feel so much better. I straighten my hair I just do simple makeup mascara and lip gloss. I even picked out a cute outfit a cute cropped grey turtleneck light washed jeans along with a varsity jacket I bought years ago with shoes to match.

It feels good to be dressed and out of bed

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It feels good to be dressed and out of bed. Happy with the way I look I head downstairs to find the girls. "Look at you you look alive now let's go before your late." We all head to Callie's car "Belle your in the back" they yell.

The drive was short the restaurant wasn't that far from my house. Parking we all get out "I lost my ear ring Jay help me find it."

"I'll help" I try to help but she yells no I look at her puzzled. "I need you to go tell them we're here I made a reservation it's under my name now go." She pushes me towards the door.

Walking in the restaurant I greet the waitress and tell her Callie's name. "Okay follow me" following her to the table she stops in front of a table with a man already seated and not just any man Gio. These whores set me up I thank the waitress and turn to Gio. "I told you I didn't want to talk."

"You didn't answer my text."
"That was me telling you I didn't want to talk" I whisper shout I'm going to kill them. "Look hear me out and if you don't want to talk to me after then that's uh that's fine." I nod and take a seat across from him and he explains.

"So your being blackmailed and your aren't engaged?" I ask for clarity. "Yes but I agreed because of her treats." I don't know rather to be revealed or worried. "So what now?" As soon as the words slipped out of mouth my heart started racing what if he says he'll marry her.

And before I can stop myself words come flying out my mouth "Please don't marry her I think well I know I love you. And it's not the love like with a friend it's the butterflies and fireworks in my stomach type of love." I immediately direct my eyes to my hands too afraid of his reaction.

I see him stand up and come to my side of the table. He places a finger under my chin lifting my face to meet his eyes. "I love you and I want to be with you." And before I could blink he's leaning down and kissing me.

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