Chapter 11

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Arabelle POV

The week is finally over and today is the day I get to see Mr.St.Clair. Waiting at his door after a few minutes I see him coming my way in causal wear. Black and dark gray hoodie with dark gray sweat pants.

"Hey" he greets with a grin which has to be the single most beautifulest thing I've ever seen

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"Hey" he greets with a grin which has to be the single most beautifulest thing I've ever seen. "Hey what's with the outfit don't you have a class"

"I'm taking you somewhere I don't have a class today."
"I thought you were going to help me with my assignment" He just signs grabs my hand and pulls me along with him.

He pulls me until we're standing in front of a white Audi. He opens the passenger seat for me and gestured me to get in. I watch as he close the door and comes over to the driver seat and gets in. "Your not going going to kill me are you" He laughs until he see's that i'm serious no I'm not going to kill you. That relaxes me but only a little because he hasn't told me where he's taking me.

The car ride is filled with light music and tension which might be one sided because he looks pretty calm tapping on the steering wheel to the beat of the music. As he drives I can't help but to admire him he seems different he doesn't have his dark aura that he usually does. He seems peaceful. "You Know staring at people is rude" he laughs "I wasn't staring I was memorizing your face so when they ask me to identify my kidnapper I can" He just laugh which causes me to laugh.

Finally the car comes to a stop. I look around and see nothing but trees and the nerves build up again. He must of noticed my uneasiness because he speaks "You have to get over this thinking i'm going to kill you thing" Taking a deep breath I exit the car and follow him into the creepy looking woods.

After what felt like hours of walking which was actually only 5 minutes I gasp at the sight in front of me. "It's beautiful isn't it" Too busy staring at the scene in front of me I don't answer. I've always wanted to see Eternal Flame Falls but mom would never have time.

"Come lets sit" Looking down at my outfit he takes his hoodie off and sits it on the edge for me to sit "Thanks" he just nods looking like he's stuck in thought.

"You know we have to talk about it right" I say looking at him while he just stares at the waterfall. "Tell me about you" sighing before I speak "It's not really much about me I have two sisters one older and one younger my moms a vet and my dad died when Ana my younger sister was born he was in a car crash he was leaving work in a rush on his way to the hospital because mom was having Ana when a drunk driver hit him."

"I'm sorry for your lost" I feel him staring but I don't want him to see my teary eyes so I just watch the water fall. "what about you whats your story" he chuckles lightly before he speaks "A lot like you there's not much to tell I have a brother Ryan he goes around just buying any and everything he can get his hands on from expensive shoes to night clubs. I was a dean of an highschool before I deceided that wasn't what I wanted to do I missed teaching and when my old colleague became dean of Columbia he asked me to come teach for him and I agreed and now here I am after so many year later."

"Are you happy now" I study his face for an emotion "I was now i'm not sure"

"That must be tough loosing your love for you job." He shakes his head agreeing before asking "What are you going to college for " I let out a long sign before answering "I honestly have no clue I wanna do something that I'm actually happy in something that I look forward to not something that i regret after two years of being there."

"Understandable" he says looking at the water "What are we doing" I blurt out "We're looking at the waterfall" I playfully shove him "I know that but I mean about the kiss about Wednesday what are we doing."

"What do mean you agreed to be mine" I sigh "But I can't your my professor isn't that illegal or something"

"It's unethical not illegal"
"Which means what if we have a relationship you'll be fired I don't want to be the reason you get fired it'll not only ruin you but me too it too much on the line."

He stays quiet for a moment before speaking "What if it's just sex no relationship just sex and if one party starts to develop feelings we'll stop"

"No feelings?"
"No feelings" he repeats

"Okay" he repeats smiling

After about 30 minutes of us just talking it starts to get dark and we head to his car. He opens my door before going to his seat.

He drives us back to the University so I can get my car. Before I get out the car he asks for my number and kisses my check good bye.

      ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
Hiii I hoped you enjoyed this chapter

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