Chapter 17

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Arabelle's POV

Ugh, Mondays If only my bed could swallow me whole right now. Groaning as I get up so I can get this god-awful day over with. Getting dressed I decide to do something dressy despite the pissy mood I'm in. I go with a random white tee and flared light-washed jeans. I don't know how or when but I've grown addicted to flared jeans. Shrugging I put my hair in a sleek low ponytail and leave.

Before going to the University I stop to get a coffee to help wake myself up

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Before going to the University I stop to get a coffee to help wake myself up. I stand in line for a minute before It's my turn. "Omg I love your outfit," a bubbly short brown-haired boy says. He looks about 19 or 20 and very cute. "Thanks," I say smiling. "I would love to raid your closet I'm Josh by the way I always forget to introduce myself first my mom says I do that a lot but it's not my fault I forget and now I'm rambling I'm sorry." I laugh at how flustered he looks but before I could respond some rude man behind me spoke. "Please order I have work to get to."

I roll my eyes before telling Josh my order. When he gives me my drink I give him my number I wrote on a napkin. He looks confused "So you can raid my closet." He laughs and waves me bye.

I make it to my class just in time when Gio sees me he smiles and starts his lesson.

The class goes by pretty fast its not really a hard class it's just so early. When I'm packing my things to leave I feel someone standing over me. Already knowing who it is I stand to see a smirking Gio. "What's with the smirk," I say trying to wiggle my eyebrows which I totally shouldn't have done. He pulls me into his chest and inhales "I just missed you."

"You saw me yesterday and you have to let go before someone comes in here." He sighs in defeat before dropping his hands. "So when do I get to see you again," he says handing me my bag. "Not sure I have to check my schedule but I will let you know when I'm free."

I walk towards the stairs "I have a class bye," I say walking up the stairs. "Wait" he yells I turn to see him making his way up the stair to meet me. When he's right in front of me he kisses me and I instantly melt into the kiss. When he breaks the kiss and stares at me "Bye."

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