Chapter 31

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Giovanni's POV

Feeling myself being shaking I wake up to find Arabelle dressed and shaking me. "Amore why are you up so early" she stunned by the sudden nickname and so am I it just kind of slipped out. "You have to get up I wanna make breakfast thanking them for letting us stay" she says giving me this bright genuine smile.

"Okay let's me change and we'll go" she gives me a quick peck "Thanks now hurry" getting up I go to the bathroom to shower.

Done showering I throw in sweats in a simple shirt and go down the stairs. Going in the kitchen I see her already in the kitchen. "So what do you need my help with."

"So I was thinking you do the cooking part and I can be like the person who passes you what you need." She says pleading me with her eyes. I walk over yo her and place my hands around her hips looking her in her eyes. "How about we both cook I'll tell you what to do and I'll help."

She leans her head to the side thinking it over. "You'll help do the hard stuff" I nod giving her that. "Okay what's first?"

"Can you pass me the pepper" she nods handing me the pepper. Somehow things went exactly how she planed I cooked and she passed me everything I needed. In my defense she almost burnt an egg I had to.

"Wasn't that just perfect" she says after we place everyones plate in their right seat. Right on cue everyone starts piling into the dinning room.

Everyone takes their seat saying goodmorning to everyone. Nonna goes around the table kissing everyone's cheek good morning I really missed it here it feels more like home than home ever felt before Arabelle now she makes home feel more home.

"What do you guys have planned for today?" Nonna asks causing Arabelle to look at me for answers. "Site seeing" I say smirking I know Arabelle hates surprises because of how impatient she is.

"Are we still playing dress up" God I was hoping she wouldn't bring that up around them. "So are we getting another famous fashion show?" Aunt Lucia asks knowing I hate them I love Valentina to death but the fashion shows get way to out of hand.

"I love a good fashion show" Arabelle says mimicking the smirk I had on my face. "Yes we would love one please" by the way everyone looks at this table especially Valentina there's no way I'm going to be able to say no.

"Whatever" I mutter "What's that" Isabella teases raising her hand to her ear. "I said I'll do it okay" with that everyone cheers causing me to roll my eyes.
Arabelle's POV

Finishing breakfast I offer to help clean but Sofia said it wasn't a lot since I clean everything while Gio was cooking and plating. So I decided to go get ready for the day.

After going through hell and back I finally decided on a outfit. And when I say hell I mean deciding on a outfit then hating it then trying on everything in my bag hating everything and just going back to the first outfit. Sighing I just except the outfit and head out of the room to find Gio who's been ready for 45 minutes now.

 Sighing I just except the outfit and head out of the room to find Gio who's been ready for 45 minutes now

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