Chapter 19

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Arabelle's POV

Getting to class was hard today it was some much traffic then the hallways were crowded. I finally make it to class after all the pushing and excuse me's. I sit and my seat and wait for Gio to start the lesson.

"Arabelle-" I wave my hands "I know I know to stay after class" he gives me a little smile before nodding. When the last person leaves the classroom I make my way over to him. "So uhh I have a proposition for you" he looks a little nervous but I nod my head for him to continue. "So my mother is hosting a charity ball thing Saturday and I was wondering if you'll come with me and you don't have to worry about anyone recognizing you it's a masquerade ball. Freaking out doesn't describe what's going on in my head. My mind and nerves are doing cartwheels. His mother is going to be there even though I'm going to be masked it's still his mother. He doesn't even talk about her or what she likes. What if she hates me or worse what if she likes me.

Too engrossed in thought I forgot Gio was standing here waiting for my answer. "I really don't know." He looks at me like he's so desperate for me to go. "Fine, I'll go but only if Callie can come." His eyes instantly light up and he pulls me into a hug. "Yeah she can go as Ryan's date I know for a fact he won't mind," he says like a kid whose mom told them they can have their favorite candy.

"So what color are we wearing," He makes an oh expression like he just realized something. He reached around to his wallet taking out a card. "Here buy any dress you want and text me telling me the color and I'll match it," he says handing me his black card. I don't know how I feel about him buying me a dress he must have read my mind because he pushes the card towards me giving me a look that says this is not up for argument.

Taking the card while rolling my eyes he walks to me and leans down "Thank you but if you roll your eyes again I'll have to punish you." My mind goes to the last time I was over his knee and I clench my thighs together to soothe the ache between my legs. "Yes sir" with that he kisses my cheek bye and goes to his office.


After classes are done I go to my car and call Callie. After a couple of rings, she finally picks up

"hey, chick ling what can I do you first."

"We're going to a ball on Saturday and we need to go shopping." I don't bother to ask her because that leaves her with a choice of saying no and that simply is not going to work at all.

"We're as in you and St.Clair?"

I let out an awkward laugh "Yes me and Gio andyouandRyan." I rush the last part out and pray she understood so I don't have to repeat it.

"You didn't"

"I did sorry but come on your like my best friend pleaseeeeee for me"

I hear her groan in the phone "Fine only because you said we're besties"

I could jump for joy "Thanks now meet me at the mall in 10"

"Okay see you there" I hang up and start driving to the mall.


"Boo," I turn around to see Callie smiling brightly at me. "Thanks for agreeing to come it means a lot to me." She waves her hand "No need to thank me where besties now you can always count on me now let's go." She pulls me into some store with plenty of huge dresses they all look so fancy and not my thing. "Is there anything I can help you with?" This older gray-haired soft eyes a little over 5'4 woman asks.

"Yes sure we're looking for her a dress and I think I want to make a statement with a pantsuit toxic masculinity has hit its peak so I have to knock it back down," Callie rambles which causes the woman to laugh. The woman nods her head and tells us to follow her.

"Any specific color?" I don't really want something loud or anything too pink I doubt Gio would like wearing a pink suit. "Maybe something Black, Navy blue, or red," I say and Callie agrees.

After going around the shop the woman gives me dresses to try on and Callie different pantsuits. After trying on all the dresses the woman gave me I'm pretty bummed because I didn't really like any of them. Callie on the other hand shocked me with a baby blue lacy suit.

"Why don't you do pantsuit you'll look amazing and they're way more comfortable than some heavy dress." I think it over before telling the lady to show me pantsuits. While we are looking I see this beautiful burgundy lace pantsuit and fell in love. "She'll have this" I hear Callie tell the lady behind me she nods and tells me to follow her.

Once I have the perfect size the lady rings up me and Callies suit. I gave her the card and she looks shocked for a moment "Giovanni St.Clair like the son of Emily St.Clair." So his mother's name is Emily by the way this woman looks tells me she's very important. "Yeah" I nod once she nods.

"I'll see you Saturday morning" I wave Callie goodbye and head home.


I'm back I hope you guys like this chapter don't forget to vote and comment !!!!!!!!!!

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