Chapter 36

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Arabelle's POV

The week went by in a blur that's what everything kind of is now a blur. Monday I got the surprise that he resigned and I thought that would make it be easier but I wasn't it's not. It hurts to face that I won't be able to see him again. 

A knock pulls me out of my reoccurring thoughts. Not bothering to answer or ask who is it they all have been just walking in. Not that I tried to hide it or make it a big secret but everyone just kind of figured it out. 

Jay and Callie walk in and sit on my bed. It silent for a moment I guess their trying to pull straws.I guess Callie pulled the short one because she's the first one to speak up "Belle you have to get up" her voice is light like if she's to loud she'll break me they've all been doing the same I mean honestly can a girl mope in peace.

I hear someone take a long exhale "Come on Belle you've been down for almost two weeks it's time to go out and face the world again." She's right I should but I can't. "I don't want to."

"You have to there will be other boys in the world" Jay finally decides to chime in. "They won't be him." I say barely above a whisper. "How would you know?"

"Because he was the person who turned my world. He was the one that made me feel. He came in my world and he made me love him. He made me need him he gave me the security that every girl could only wish for. He made my heart race faster then any frightening thing. He made me feel like I'm heard he made the loneliness the silence the dark the scariest freaking things bearable. He made it to where I loved him so much it hurts when He's not around. And I loved every moment Callie I loved him for every single flaw I jumped out a plane with him and I was the scariest I've ever been but I knew I was safe because I was with him."

"How do I find that again how can somebody be that how can someone else be him. He was my fairy tale. From the moment he walked in my life I was his." Maybe it was because of not talking for days and it was too much to hold or maybe it was because I knew but I couldn't stop the case of word vomit I just caught. But it's all true he had my heart and everyday I was giving him more and more of me. And I can't even have him anymore I won't get to see again and what if I do? Will I have to pretend he didn't give be every bit of happiness in the world. Do I have to pretend he's a stranger. 

I didn't even notice I was crying until I felt the tears hit my hand and two sets of arms are being wrapped around me.

Gio's POV

I ran out of liquor days ago so now I have to sit here and listen to Ryan's blabbering sober. Luckily for me today Stephannie's out buying herself something shiny. Hearing the door bell was like a blessing an excuse to get the hell away from him.

"You look like shit" "He should" at my door is Arabelle's sister and Callie. "Thanks" I say closing the door but they stop it and push their way in.

"You hurt my sister and you have to find a way to fix it." If I had a nickel for how many times Ryan has said that I'll have 40 bucks. "How could you do that your were engaged the whole time you were messing with Belle your sick you wanted someone to prey on you you penis," Callie yells.

I look at Ryan pleading that he'll explain it. He sighs but nevertheless he explains "This idiot wasn't engaged before last night the crazy girl threatened to make Bells life hell unless he marries her and follows her like a good little puppy." I glare at him "I'm nobody's puppy" "Yea am I'm the muffin man"

I could strangle him sometimes. "Okay so why didn't you just tell her or find a way to fix it mean don't get me wrong for a professor your pretty stupid."

"It's not that simple" I tell them.
"Oh my god. Your impossible you say that you don't wanna follow mom but yet you go along with all her lies and make your life miserable for her to be happy but she's never happy. And she knows you do that because she keeps using you. And here she is telling you to marry Stephannie and by choice you are."

I hate to say it but he's right. "Do you think she'll talk to me" I wouldn't even talk to me she thinks I lied the whole time.

"You'll have to work for it but I think she will."

That's all I needed to know I'll fix this I swear.

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