Chapter 15

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Arabelle's POV

I wake up feeling like a bag of bricks are on top of me. I open my eyes to see Gio on top of me with his head on my chest. He looks so cute when he sleeps. Grabbing my phone off his nightstand I take pictures of him then one of us before he starts stirring awake. I quickly put my phone down and fake sleep.

I hear him chuckle it sounds so gruff and throaty. "I would've believed you were asleep if wasn't scrunched up," I giggle opening my eyes to see in looking directly at me. "Goodmorning," he says in his sexy gruff morning voice. "Goodmorning" I respond he tries to kiss me but I move my head to the side and he ends up kissing my cheek.

"Morning breath" he gets up waking into his bathroom coming out with a fresh toothbrush. "You can shower and brush your teeth in my bathroom and I'll use the downstairs bathroom. "Okay but I have no clothes."

"You can wear mine" he goes into the closet then comes back with a shirt and sweats. "They might be a little big but this is the smallest size I have. "Thanks," I say walking into his bathroom.


After I get done in the bathroom, I go downstairs following the smell of bacon. When I get to the kitchen I see Gio standing over the stove. I clear my throat announcing my presence. When he sees me he laughs. I walk over to him and punch him. "It's not my fault your clothes are huge how can this be the smallest size you have in your closet," I say gesturing to the shirt that stops at my knees and the sweats that are partially falling off me.

"They look nice on you," He says in between his laughter. When he finally collects himself he tells me to sit. When he's done cooking he sets a plate of egg, toast, and bacon in front of me. "I didn't know what you would like so I just kept it simple." "This is perfect thank you."

After we ate we talked for a bit before I had to go home. He walked me to the door when I was about to go out the door he pulled me into a hug. he lets out a long sigh beginning so extra "You know you're going to see me tomorrow right?" He just chuckled and kisses my cheek. "Bye," he bids me.

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It's a short chapter Ik but vote and comment

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