Chapter 13

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Arabelle's POV

After we finished cleaning, he gave me a tour of his house, which was beautiful it has this rustic woody vibe to it and I just adore it. Now we're in the kitchen putting the dough on the pizza pan. He adds the sauce, I do the cheese, and then we add toppings which are only pepperoni and olives because there the only things I like on my pizza.

"Do you want to do the honors or shall I?" he asks "I'll put it in" I grab the pan and put it in the oven. "So what do we do while i-" before I can finish my question he's grabbing my hand pulling me his way. When I'm in front of him his lips come crashing down on mine I instantly feel fireworks. This kiss much like the last one was powerful but it was slower like he was savoring the moment.

His hands travel to my legs lifting me to sit on the counter. The sudden action makes me gasp which he as his advantage slipping his tongue in my mouth. The kiss becomes hungrier as his tongue studies my month. Breaking the kiss to breathe his mouth travels to my neck marking it. He slides my flannel off then pulls down the string of my shirt. Revealing my necked chest to him he circles his tongue around my nipple before sucking. He then goes to the other one giving it the same amount of attention just as he was kissing down my stomach his doorbell rings.

Groaning he fixes my shirt and helps me get off the counter before going to open the door. "What are you doing hear" I hear Gio try to whisper which he totally can't do. There's silence for a moment before a person burst inside the kitchen with a hot Gio on his tail. "Who are you," a younger-looking Gio asks. This man has dark brown hair that cut short and brown stubble he has muscle but not as much as Gio he's pretty tall to 6'0 or 6'1. "None of your concern" an irritated Gio answers. "Wasn't asking you I was asking the lady."

Gio says something under his breath which makes me laugh. Clearing my throat "I'm Arabelle" I stick my hand out for him to shake which he totally ignores and hugs me. "Don't hug her you doofus" Gio shouts and I laugh. "Sorry, I'm Ryan his much cuter brother," I laugh.

"Don't you have cooking to do? You finish cooking and I'll keep Bells here company." He says pulling me out of the kitchen towards the living room.

Hi happy beginning of Pride 🏳️‍🌈

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