Chapter 33

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Arabelle's POV

Cooking with Sofia and Lucia was fun we made this eggplant pasta it was different in a good way it's something super outside of my comfort zone. By the time it was time for us to plate the men were coming in from outside. "Qualcosa ha un buon profumo" Giovanni saying greeting Sofia with a loving kiss.

"Belle and Lucia helped" she gives me a smile which I return. "It looks wonderful Belle" he nods towards me.

"It really does" Gio comes in wrapping his arms around me. "Well can we please eat them the two twin boys whine causing us all to laugh. "Let's go before they start bickering" Gio says with a light chuckle.

After dinner we all went to Valentina's room for the promised fashion show it was short and sweet since it was late. It was really fun to see Gio play with her and dress up for her it shows that he's going to a great father one day.

I always thought about having kids but like in the far future. I also don't want to do it alone like I'm all for single mothers but it's hard to do it all by yourself.
"What has your brain running circles" Gio comes in from his shower pulling me from my thoughts.

"Where are we going tomorrow?" I decided not to include him my thoughts it's always weird when you bring up having children not that I want to have kids with him. Well it's not like I don't want to have kids with him I mean it would be nice but does he think like tha-

"Your doing that thinking face again" he says getting under the covers and pulling me to his chest. "I don't have a thinking face."

"Your do it looks like this" I look at the face he's making and can't help but to laugh. "It looks like your constapated" he laughs "That's how you look when your thinking."

"No way" he just laughs at me nodding. "Omg" I say burying my face in his chest. "Tomorrow we're doing something adventurous"

I peak from his chest raising my brow at him "Like what."
"Like a surprise" he wiggles his brows. "I hate you" I say burring my face in his chest again. "You love me" I do "Don't flatter yourself mister." He lets out a soft chuckle before it's silent in the room.

After a minute or so I decide to speak "What are thinking your making that thinking sound" I feel his cheat vibrate telling me he's laughing. "And what does that sound like" I feel his eyes burning holes on my head. "Silence" "Omg" he mimics me from earlier. Making me laugh at his high pitched voice.

"What would your dream house look like" he asks me running his hand through my hair. "Umm I never really thought about it it would have to have lots of windows. It wouldn't look new like modern it would have history. It would have your kitchen because I love your kitchen."

"That's it?" He questions me I nod. "Why?"

"Just wondering that's all" I nod starting to feel sleepy.

I feel myself being shaken awake uugghh why can't I just sleep. Maybe if I ignore it they'll go away of course they don't. "What" I groan at the rude person who just woke me up.

"Get up we have a lot to do today and not a lot of time to do it." I throw my head back on the pillow and whine. "While you get dressed I have go talk to my granddad about something and when I get back we'll go." The rude butthole kisses my forehead before leaving the room.

Finally finding the strength to pull myself from the bed I get up and head the the bathroom to do my morning rituals. Once I'm done in the bathroom I get out a simple comfortable outfit a baby blue crew neck and black biker shorts.

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