Chapter 34

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Arabelle's POV

The Colosseum tour was fun it was long but I liked it. After the colosseum we went to Antico Arco Gio's favorite restaurant. It was wonderful I ate so much I'm so thankful for this oversized crewneck or else I'd be rocking this unattractive food baby.

Now we're on our way to say bye to everyone and get out bags because our plane leaves at 12. Pulling up at the house I get a bittersweet feeling in my stomach I'm so grateful for this memory and I don't want to leave and I don't know if I'll ever be back.

"You okay?" He says opening my car door for me I didn't even notice he got out. "Yea just sad about leaving" I give him a slight smile. "Don't be you'll be back" he says kissing my forehead pulling me towards the door not giving me time to respond.

Walking in the house everyone's in the living room and Sofia is the first one to come to us. "Is it time for you guys to go" I nod she then hugs me tight "Your such a beautiful girl and I hope that one day your be my beautiful nipotina." Then after her comes Giovanni he comes giving me a sweet fatherly hug and looks towards Gio "Uomo adulto sposa questo marry" in response he nods.

After Giovanni is everyone else telling me sweet words. I'm going to miss being here ughh I hate leaving. After all the goodbyes Gio gets are bags in Simons car and we drive to the airport.

We bored the plane and get settled in. "I'm bored" I look at Gio who's directly in front of me. "We're on a plane not much to do unless you want to join the mile high club." I wrinkle my nose at him causing him to laugh. "Let's play 21 questions."

He rolls his eyes but nevertheless he nods. "I'll start what your favorite movie?"

"Harry Potter" he murmurs but I heard him.
"Mine too now you go" I chirp
"Favorite food?" I think for a bit "I don't have one I love all food."

"Why don't you have any tattoos?" He shrugs "Never really had an urge for one I guess. Do you want any?"
"Not really my thing" I shrug "What's really your thing" he asks. "It's not your turn yet. Who's Leo I remember Antonio mentioned him at the dinner?"

Maybe that was the wrong question to ask he looks like I just punched him in his stomach. He looks both surprised and hurt. "You don't have to answer" I rush out. "Leo's my dad the only people who know he left my mom are me her and Ryan. She thought it was an embarrassment for her husband to leave her so she never told anyone. Her way of getting over I guess he shrugs not meeting my eyes. I can tell he doesn't like the lie. The allusion that his mother makes them keep up.

"Oh" I say barely above a whisper I feel bad. I didn't think it was that deep I thought maybe a cousin or something. Deciding not to let my mind run in circles about the subject I decide to take a nap before we land not that Gio up for talking anyways.

I wake up to the pilots voice blaring over the intercom telling us the plane is about to land. I'm not really surprised I slept through the whole flight I tend to sleep to avoid things like the awkwardness in the air right now.

"I didn't drive my car to your house so you'll have to take me to mine" I say in a low voice.

"You don't want to stay over" he looks hopeful he's making it so hard for me to say no. "I can't I always over."

"You'll come over tomorrow?" He gives me that same hopeful pleading look. Defeat I sign nodding my head. His lip raises a lot revealing the smile he so desperately tried to hide.

Stepping in his car I feel excited to see my mom and sisters if they're even home I missed them. "Are you seeing Ryan tonight?"

"God I hope not" he says a too unsarcastically for my liking I laugh at my word Jay always argues it's not a word but it is. "You don't miss him?" He shrugs but I know he does when they're together they act so nice but mean to each other I guess it's a brother thing I wouldn't know.

The rest of the ride is comfortable silence. Pulling up to my house he looks over and makes a pouting face at me I let out a little laugh. "I said I'll be over tomorrow" he lets out a longed groan "Tomorrow to far how about you stay tonight and tomorrow and Sunday go home Monday morning and stay at my house Monday night."

I laugh "I can't I miss them" I say sincerely. He sighs before he speaks "Okay but call me or text me when your settled" I nod getting out of the car. He gets out and gives me my bag. I stand in front of him before wrapping my arms around his torso. Pulling away I give him one last wave before I walking to my door.

Going in the house I see everyone including Carter sitting on the couch watching a movie. Was I gone three months or 3 days because when did everyone get so Kumbaya singingly friendly. Ana's the first to notice me she bounces from couch. "You're back finally I missed you" I smile at her and embrace her in a bear hug. "I missed you guys too."

Breaking the hug Jay comes over and pulls me into her."Did mr.professor teach you something new" She whispers. "You're nasty"
"Not me sister dearest she says returning to her seat on the couch.
"Mom I missed you" I hug her next we're huggers I say it's because of watching too much Full house but they doubt me.

"Did you have fun" she asks me being  her usually cheerfully bubbly self. "I'm sure she did"big mouth speaks with a slight grin. "I did" I smile at her "Carter" I give him a nod his way in a greeting way. I mean come on I barely know the man.

"Belle go put your stuff up and come back and watch the movie with us." Great bonding time with the new boyfriend I wonder will he be the only one. I nod to my mom and head in the direction of the stairs.

You know in the movie when a person opens a microwave or a door then a bomb sets off. Well that's similar to what the hell is happening I stepped on the stairs and before I can blink all the windows are being shattered.  Glass is flying everywhere and so is something else.


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