Chapter 35

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Arabelle's POV

"Bricks fucking bricks they threw bricks." Jay's voice flares through my frozen state. The bricks were scary but that didn't make me freeze what made me freeze was the taped printed pictures of me with my face crossed out and on the other side reads "Your Dead."

I guess everyone else noticed too because it's pin drop silent in here. I hear my moms voice but I can't really make out what she said I can't hear anything outside of my heart racing directly in my ear. I can't process it I don't understand I can't connect it I can't I can't. All the words are there but they aren't aligning.

I don't know how long I been standing here frozen but all I know is there are so many police officers standing in front of me and I can't hear a single thing. I can't understand call me attached or not but I need him and that's the only thing that my mind will allow in.

"Are you okay?" and just like the world becomes real again and I'm throwing myself into him. Everything hits me sure it's just bricks but in every window it was a warning somebody knows where I leave and they want to hurt me.

Sobs rack through me and he just holds me whispering sweet nothings and I hear every single one. "T-they th-" he shushes me "I know it's okay" his arms tighten around me. "You have to talk to them or tell me and I'll tell them." Nodding not that he'll be able to tell. Calming myself I tell him "I don't know who would do it but remember Rome."

Nodding he try's to unattach himself from me but it's my turn to not let go. "You have to let go so I can tell them." "I don't want too" I know I probably look childish but I he makes me feel safe. "Do you want me to lift you" if it keeps me from breaking away from him I'm happy. "Yea" and he does just that wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck he walks in the direction of the kitchen.

Everyone's in the Kitchen from police to my sisters to Callie and Josh. I heard a gasp but I'm too mentally drained to even care. I zone out while Gio tells them what happened but my mothers question brings me right back. "I thought you went out of town with Callie" well I guess if she had to find out tonight would be a good time right.

"Can you put me down" he nods settling me on my feet. "I didn't I went with Gio. Mother meet my boyfriend Giovanni St.Clair Gio meet my mother." Everyone looks at me like I'm a ghost I mean come on what was I supposed to say hey mom this is my philosophy teacher who I've been fucking but ended up falling in love with yea she would die on spot so let me save my mother the early funeral.

They shake hands and do what social people do. I just want to sleep I been standing all day and now I realize how much that hurt. My mom already had people to fix the windows perks of knowing the mayor she works with his hideous dog.

"Well I'm tired and completely over today so goodnight folks I'll see you all tomorrow" I say in a sweet sarcastic way. Pulling Gio with me to my room. "Stay till I fall asleep?" I plead him "Sure"

Changing into a shirt I stole from him days ago. I slide under my covers and he takes his shoes off follows. He slides me close to him where my head can lay in his chest.

It's silent for a while before he breaks it "Boyfriend huh" he says in a teasing manner. "What was I supposed to say" I feel him shrug "I was thinking of something along of the lines of my professor" this bastard jokes I would roll my eyes if I could open them but the last thing I remember was him kissing my forehead before sleep took me.

I wake up with this ragging headache groaning I get out of my bed and head to the kitchen to find  an Advil or something.

Searching the cupboards I hear my mom's voice "Boyfriend huh?" I turn to face her she looks like her normal self happy and bubbly even after yesterday I don't know how she does it. "Yea boyfriend" I shrug I might not tell Gio but I like calling him my boyfriend even if it's a lie.

"How long have you two been dating" fucking I correct her but not out loud like I said she'd die. "Since school started" she looks shocked "Four months and you didn't tell me that kind of hurts."

"It does doesn't it" I don't mean to be rude I mean she did do the same thing. "Fair enough. But do you really like him?" "I love him" the words flew out of my mouth before I could catch them. She smiles brightly at me "Have you told him." Scared to open my big mouth again I shake my head no. I mean how am I supposed to.

"You should mean from what I saw yesterday I'd beat he loves you just as much as you love him." He couldn't we had on simple rule no feelings but I couldn't help it. "I'll think about it." She nods and walks over to a drawer by the sink and hands me the Advil before leaving the kitchen.

What if I told him what's the worse that can happen maybe he won't love me back or he'll break things off. But I have to tell him if it's not meant to be then it won't be if I tell him and he doesn't love me back I'll be hurt but at least I won't be wasting my time.

Deciding to do it before my brain talks me out of it I take the medicine and go to my room to get dressed.
Pulling up to his house there's cars and moving trucks everywhere. What the hell is going on. Parking my car I get out and head for the door. Knocking for a minute no ones answers then the girl from the ball answers the door. "Why are you here didn't my fiancé tell you that your little affair is over." FIANCÉ did she just say Fiancé I'm not the one to judge things too quickly so what do I do I push her out of the door way finding Gio in his kitchen. He looks distressed "Your engaged?"

I feel my heart drop into my ass when he nodded. I don't believe this I can't. "Okay now that we have that settled get out of my house." Exiting his house I feel more broken with each step.
Hiiii guys :) how do you feel?

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