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8 years later

"Pillow fight" I wake up to screaming, pillows, and giggles. I'm still not used to it. "Don't hit Mommy or sissy" Eli defends me using his tiny body to shield me.

Grabbing my baby I run away from them. "We have to get away from those buttheads." I tell him causing him to giggle. "Mommy I'm a big boy I can fight them."

"Oh you can" says Gio sneaking up on us with Leo fallowing after him as always. "Mommy help" Gio tries to take the screaming 3 year old from my hands. "Okay okay we're done. Come here." My beautiful husband holds his hand out for my baby. He scoops  Eli and Leo up in his arms. "Morning kisses for my babies" he kisses the boys then my stomach where our baby girl is and then me.

"Okay come on let's go pick out your clothes while daddy makes you guys breakfast. He places them both on their feet and I grab their hands walking them to their rooms.

While they're looking I can't help but to think of how lucky I am to be where I am. With my two little 3 year olds and living in the house my husband built just like I described years ago.

I love it. I love them. I love him.

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