Chapter 10

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Giovanni POV

Looking around the class hoping that she'll come today. She's been avoiding me skipping my class it's honestly getting annoying. She's making me crazy she kisses me and then avoids me like I did something wrong.

Just when I'm about to start teaching she comes in. I can't help but to stare at her. I feel my pants tighten looking at her attire . She's dressed in a long sleeved cropped shirt with a plaid skirt that stop mid thigh it hugs her legs perfectly. Honestly if there weren't over a hundred kids in this room she'd be over my desk.

 Honestly if there weren't over a hundred kids in this room she'd be over my desk

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After she takes her seat she avoids eye contact with me. I tell the class to finish what they were working on Monday. I was thinking since she wasn't in class Monday she'd ask me what was the assignment. But boy was I wrong she just sat there scribbling in some note pad she had. I just watched her trying to control myself from going over there and making her talk to me.

The whole hour she sat there scribbling with her head down not looking up once. I end class but before she can leave I speak. "Arabelle can you stay please" leaving no room for argument and she knows it because she stops and faces me. Faster than I can blink I'm grabbing her neck pulling her towards me. 

I hear he breathing hitch I lean over close to her ear. "You know what I hate hm" she doesn't respond "I don't like repeating myself" I say as  I squeeze her neck a little tighter not enough to cause pain not that I think she would mind. Something tells me that this vixen likes a little pain. "No sir" she tried to say but it comes out as a soft moan. What I'd pay to hear that everyday.

"I hate being ignored Arabelle" she visibly gulps "I wasn't I wasn't ignoring you" I chuckle humorlessly release her neck and go sit in my chair. "Over my knee Now!" she looks stunned but doesn't move. "I already told you I don't like repeating myself"

She walks over slowly laying herself across my lap. Raising her skirt  "Count" is all I say before my hand comes down on her ass. "one" she moans *spank* "two" *spank* "three" 

By the fifth she throwing her head back moaning  and God she looks good. 

My hand comes down harder than all the rest "Ten" she says in a low whisper her legs are shaking I see her arousal running down her thigh. God what I would do to be able to fuck her right now. 

I sit her up on my lap and she immediately lays her head in the croak of my neck and whines. "Be Mine" I whisper while I kiss her neck. "I can't" I start to suck and bite her neck "Be mine" She stays quiet before she speaks. "Okay"  

Standing her up and kissing her check "I'll see you Friday then." 

"Okay" she says barley above a whisper she grabs her things and leave. 


Hiii Dino's what did you think?

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