Chapter 27

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Arabelle's POV
"Wake up it's your birthday" I wake up hearing Jay yell. Then out of nowhere there's this loud popping noise that causes me to shoot up.

Looking around I see Jay with a confetti popper and confetti all over my bed. "You're cleaning that up." She waves me off "Not important right now what's important is you getting up right now." This crazy child I would think because it's my birthday she'd at least let me sleep but noooo.

"Where are we going." I say making my ways to find a outfit. "Nails, shopping for a costume, and later clubbing. And by the way your not wearing joggers and a hoodie I'm picking your outfit." She comes over and pulls me away from my closet and into my bathroom.

After showering I go in my room to find a pretty laid back outfit. I actually like this it's not to dress and not to tight.

After getting dress I send Callie and Josh a quick text inviting them to come today

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After getting dress I send Callie and Josh a quick text inviting them to come today. Putting my phone up and grabbing my purse I head downstairs.

Downstairs I see black and orange pillows that spell out happy birthday. "Happy birthday" Mom and Ana sing carrying a small cake with happy birthday and my name on it.

"Thanks guys" I smile at them. I sit down to eat breakfast at the same time Jay comes running down the stairs with a tiara in her hand. "No time for eating we have a lot to do today" she says handing me the tiara and rushing out the door. I wave my and Ana good bye and head to the car.

"Callie" I yell getting out the car. "It's the birthday girllllll" she rushes over pulling me into a hug. "How does it feel to be 21 bestie?" I shrug "pretty normal I guess."

As we go in I see Josh already in waiting for us. "Josh" I open my arms for a hug. "Sugars it's your birthday happy birthday." He says squeezing the life out of me. When  he finally lets me breath again I thank him and introduce him to the girls.


Getting our nails done was fun everybody really hit it off and Josh really fitted in with us. Now where all on the way to this costume shop for tonight.

Walking in the store I'm excited it's a lot of different things to choose from. "Branch out choose something sexy nothing comfortable beauty is pain and we'll meet up at the register in 15." Nodding we all go find something. "Is Gio coming tonight" Callie pops up behind me.

"I don't know" Callie sighs "Give my your phone" I look at her like she's gone crazy but I give it to her. She types on my phone for a few seconds "Done." I look at my phone and see she texted Gio with an address and time and telling him to wear a costume.

Once everyone has their costume: Callie a devil, Josh a police officer, Jay a nurse, and me Woody from toy story. It was the only less revealing option. After leaving the shop we all set a time for the club and leave.

Getting home I see mom and Ana are both gone. "Be ready in a hour." Nodding I head up stairs packing first then getting dressed.

I grab my purse and my hat and head downstairs

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I grab my purse and my hat and head downstairs. Seeing Jay already down stairs we both leave. "Are you excited Belle" excited more like scared to death Gio's coming and Jay is going to be mad I haven't told her.

"Yeah" I say not so convincingly. She gives me a skeptical look before turning up the radio.

Pulling up to the club I see a lot of people dressed in costumes in line waiting to get in. We get out and Jay goes right up to the really buff man and whispers something in his ear and he nods and lets us in.

Going to the bar I see Callie and Josh already here. "It's the birthday girl" They both yell clearly drunk.

"Hey bartender give us a round of the strongest stuff you got" Josh yells over the loud music. He comes back after a  few second he give us all a shot. "3" "2" "1" on 1 we all down the shot. "That felt like bleach being pour down my throat" they all shug as if they just drink water. "Again" they yell and the bartender comes and fills the glass.

After about the fourth shot I start to feel the liquor. "Bells" I look over my shoulder and see Ryan and Gio coming my way. I instantly feel sober taking a deep breath to calm my nerves I turn around and smile towards them.

"Hey" I greet them "happy birthday Bells" Ryan says pulling me into a friendly hug. "Thanks" I say pulling away. He dress in a devil costume pretty similar to Callie's I have to remember to ask her what are they.

"Hi" I squeak out he chuckles pulling me towards me. He leans down and kisses me it's quick but long enough for me to feel how passionate it is. "Happy birthday" he pulls away but not letting my hand go.

"Gio was-" Callie tried to speak but Jay held her hand up interrupting. "Gio like Giovanni St.Clair like Professor St.Clair. You've been sleeping with your PROFESSOR I knew it had to be good."

"Burry me now" I whisper to Gio he lefts out a soft laugh that only I can hear. "So is the sex any good" she really just asked that "We're going to dance" she laughs and I pull Gio to the dance floor.

"I'm sorry about her" he laughs. "I like your costume" "Thanks I like your too what are you." I ask looking at his attire it looks the same as everyday black suit minus the suit jacket.

"A teacher did I pull it off" he takes a step back pointing to his outfit causing me to laugh. "Are you excited about tomorrow?" He ask with a playful face. "Yes I wish I knew where we're going." "You'll know tomorrow" I playfully roll my eyes. "That's one" I look at him and see mischief in his eyes. I just smirk at him.

After dancing and drinking and just having fun we all get ready to leave. Everyone expect Gio and Ryan takes an Uber back home after saying bye.

When we reach home I get Jay in her bed. I go to my room and change, go grab my bag and get the gift that Callie gave me and head down stairs . I write mom a note telling her I'm going somewhere with Callie for the week and will be back Friday and call a Uber to Gio's house.

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