Chapter 7

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Arabelle's POV
The clubs is actually pretty nice it's not too big and booths circle what I'm guess is the dance floor. There bottles on every table which answer how i'm going to be drinking tonight.

"Aren't you glad you came" Jay yells I just shake my head and laugh. "I need a drink" we make our way over to the booth and one of Jay's friends Callie starts pouring shots.

Without a second thought I drown mine already ready for my next one. I'm not a social person and I need liquid courage to relax.

After my 3 shot I'm being dragged to the dance floor. Ciara Dance like we're making love starts playing and I start to feel the drink swaying my hips to the music feeling lighter by the minute.

That's when I felt eyes on my body. I turn and see Mr.St.Clair staring me down with his drink in hand. Feeling the liquor course through my blood. I start to dance slowly and seductively knowing he's watch lights my body on fire.

Just in time for the song change the song Pretty little liars by Henry Venus plays. I feel his hands on my hips pressing me into his body. I don't know if it's the liquor or the need that fuels my body to grind on him. I feel his hard on poking my bottom which makes me press myself into him more. That's when his hand travels to neck spinning me to face him.

To far gone to stop now I press my front against his. We're so close I feel him breathing on my lips. And my head clouds with need as I lean in and kiss him. This kiss wasn't a soft kiss this kiss was dominating hungry controlling he wanted me to know that he was in charge and I couldn't help but obey.

Gripping my throat a little tighter causing me to moan. He uses it as his advantage to slip his tongue in my mouth. For seconds our tongues fight for dominance but being who he is he won. His tongue roams my mouth. Breaking the kiss gasping for air.

I look in his eyes and seeing the same need I have for him. Seconds later he's attacking my neck sucking and biting determined to leave a mark. His hands roaming my body lighting fires everywhere he touches. I grip his hair and lightly tug causing a groan from him that vibrates through my whole body.

If it hadn't had been for my drink sister yelling I probably would've had sex with him on this floor. But of course being the adult that I am I excuse myself which he reluctantly let me do grabbed my sister and called a Uber.

The whole ride home I let my mind relapse over what just happened. How he touched me how he kissed me the look in his eyes his hands. God his hands around my neck I touch where he held my neck still feeling his hand.

So caught up in the memories I didn't even notice we got home until the driver cleared his throat. I thanked him.

I got my sister in her bed and headed to my room. As soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep with dreams of the one and only.

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