Chapter 14

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Mature warming⚠️

Giovanni's POV

Taking the pizza out of the oven I hear Arabelle's infectious laughter. I chuckle thinking of all the things my idiot brother could be telling her. I set the table then go in to the living room to see Ryan showing her my baby picture.

I rush over and snatch the pictures from him. "I thought mother's were supposed to do that not annoying little brothers."
"Sorry brother had to but anyways is the food ready?" I roll my eyes and nod.

He then grabs Arabelle's hand and pulls her in the kitchen. Everyone sits and grabs a slice just as I'm about to eat eat the idiot speaks "You might want to wait till it's cool wouldn't want to burn your tongue wouldn't want me to have to cut it off" he laughs while I put my head in my hands.

"What do you mean cut it off" My head flew up to face Ryan "If you tell her I will cut your tongue off" I say giving him a deadly look.

"You wouldn't dare, anyways so when Gio was 13 he burnt his tongue trying to eat really fast but when he realized he burnt his tongue he shot up from his sit and ran around the house asking somebody to cut it off." After he finishes the story there both laughing so hard they have tears in their eyes.

This child is going to make me kill him I throw my fork at him which he catches shameful it should've stuck him somewhere.

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After we finish eating I have to literally kick Ryan out. Going to the kitchen I see Arabelle clearing the table. I take the plate from her hand. "We left something unfinished and I hate leaving things unfinished."

I lift her in my arms kissing her neck as I carry her to my room. Once we get in my room I place her on her feet. "Do you trust me" she nods "Words." She looks me in my eyes while speaking "I trust you."

I take her shirt off kissing her before I speak "Turn around" she does as she's told. I go to my drawer grabbing a blind fold and I tie. First I blindfold her which causes her breathing to quicken "Relax" I whisper in her ear. I then tie her hands behind he back.

Spinning her around just seeing her blind folded and tied up makes me hard. "You look so beautiful" I say before I attack her neck bitting and sucking it. I lean her down on my bed.

Kissing her from her lips to her neck to her breast. I continue going lower placing butterfly kisses on her stomach stopping at her shorts. "Are you sure this is what you want you can stop if you not ready," She nods.

Not wasting another moment I pull her shorts down throwing them somewhere behind me he panties soon follow. She lets out soft moans as I start kissing up her legs I place a small kiss on her clit before kissing down her other leg.

Kneeling between her legs. My tongue attacks her dripping core causing her to squirm a bit. As I'm softly sucking and licking her clit her moans grow louder I can tell she's close.

My hand goes up to her mouth. "Open" when she opens her month I slip two fingers in her mouth. I let her suck them a bit before pulling them out her mouth and in her entrance. She lets out a low "Fuck" and my fingers go deeper in her.

As I'm fingering her my tongue starts playing with her clit again. She starts pulsing around my fingers while she fights the tie binding her hands together raising her hips.

Speeding my fingers up she throws her head back "I'm going to cum." I hum as a response pumping my fingers in and out of her as he legs shake.

She lets out a long moan I slide my fingers out and lick up her cum. Once I've licked all her cum up I come up to kiss her making sure to put my tongue in her mouth so she can taste herself.

Taking my shirt off then unbuckling my pants I untie her blindfold. Looking in her eyes one last time for any sign of resistance I grab the condom sliding it on.

I place myself at her entrance and slide myself in slowly. Throwing my head back groaning "Dio sei stretto." When I fully in I stop letting her adjust to me.

"Gio" she moans as I start to thrust in and out of her slowly. Groaning as I speed up watching as her eyes roll back. "Harder" she says barley above a whisper. Flipping her over raising her hips thrusting into her not giving her anytime to adjust before I'm pumping in and out of her.

Feeling her pulsing around me I speed up. "I'm close" she yells not being able to control herself. "Not yet" I grab her hair pulling her head back.

Her legs start shaking "I can't hold it please" I pump into her a few more times "cum" as I say it I feel her tighten around me as she lets out a loud moan not being able to hold it I groan cumming in the condom.

I untie her wrist then slowly pull out before collapsing on the bed. "That was amazing" she says panting. I just chuckle pulling her close to me burying my head in her neck falling asleep.

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