Chapter 6

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Arabelle's POV

"Spongebob is the best show of all times," Ana says. Right now we're in my room just rambling about different topics because we ran out of movies to watch. "Of course how can something even compare to Spongebob" I wonder does Mr. St.Clair watches Spongebob. I mean imgine him sitting at home just watching Spongebob in his PJ bottoms hanging dangerously low giving a lovely view of his- my thoughts were cut off by Jay yelling my name.

"What" I yell back she's always yelling "We're going to a new club and before you say no you can't say no" I look at her imagining her head blowing up into three thousand pieces. "Fine" I mutter. "Great now go shower I'll have your outfit out when you're done." "Can I help pick her outfit" I hear Ana ask from my room. I shake my head knowing I'm not going to like the outfit they're going to pick out.

Once I'm done in the bathroom I go into my room to see a long sleeve square neck tight black dress and black strappy heels. I put on the dress and my breast looks like they're about to fall out of the dress.

"Ana, Jay I'm going to murder you both" They both come in the room smiling and high-fiving like what they picked was okay

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"Ana, Jay I'm going to murder you both" They both come in the room smiling and high-fiving like what they picked was okay. "look on the bright side at least your arms are covered," Ana said laughing. Ana might be young but she acted way older than 13 she's just like Jay loves anything tight. Don't get me wrong she's not fast or anything she just loves clothes.

"Okay okay put your shoes on and let's go I'll be in the car" after Jay leaves I put my shoes on. Me and Ana head to the car she staying the night with a friend since mom has to work late and doesn't like her home alone.

We drop Ana off and kiss her bye and head to the club I can only imagine what tonight will bring.

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