Chapter 22

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Arabelle's POV

Waking up I feel like a flashlight is pointed at my face. I open my eyes to see the curtains open and Gio still sleeping getting up to close the curtain I see that it's super windy and sunny and I have the best idea. "Gio get up" he groans but doesn't get up I jump on him and yell "Get up!"

He pells his eyes open and smiles at me "Morning" he sits up pulling me with him. "Goodmorning I have an idea today" he tilts his head a little giving me a playful look. "And whats the idea hm" I jump up and go to the window "Let's fly kites" I look at him sticking my bottom lip out and he sighs "Okay we have to go get them" I jump for joy we're flying kites "we're flying kites we're flying kites we're flying kites," I say in a sing-song way and he just chuckles going in the bathroom.

While Gio in the shower I get dressed in athletic shorts and a U neck cropped shirt with white tennis shoes.

As I'm tying my shoes Gio comes out in only a towel wrapped around his waist

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As I'm tying my shoes Gio comes out in only a towel wrapped around his waist. Water drips from his hair down his toned chest down his defined abs that I would love to run my tongue over.

"Take a picture it'll last longer" taking his advice I grab my phone and open my camera "smile" he smiles and I snap the picture. Leaving the room shaking his head he chuckles making me laugh.

A little minute later he comes out matching me black gym shorts and a white shirt. "Copy cat" I cough out and laugh. He gives me a playful glare and tells me come on.

On our way out the door we see Ryan coming up Gio groans but I just laugh. He loves Ryan despite how he acts I can tell. "Bells" Ryan yells getting out of his car. "Ryann! Guess what we're doing today?"

He jumps up and down clapping like a little kid repeatedly telling me tell him. "We're flying kites" I yell and Ryan immediately smirks towards Gio. "No" Gio yells "Bells let me come I love kites."

"Sure come on we have to go get them the grinch had none in his house" I say sticking my tongue out at Gio but he just playfully rolls his eyes and gets in his car.

On the way to the store I decide to call Callie and see if she wants to come over I'm sure Gio won't mind. I take my phone out and dial her number and after three rings she answers.

"Heyaaaa" Gio and Ryan give me a funny look because she not even on speaker and she's loud.

"Hey you wanna come over to Gio's and fly kites?"

"Uhh Yeahhh" she says in a duhh tone

"Okay I'll send you the address."

"K" We say our goodbyes and hang up.

When we get to the store we all go in and get what we need. I didn't take long but Ryan was trying to find something and he had to ask like three people for help.

Pulling up to Gio's house I see Callie sitting in her car it looks like she just got here. Getting out the car I go over to where Callie is staying with bags and before I can say anything Ryan screams.

"Sleepover!" And pulls me and Callie in the house I turn and give Gio a sorry look. I show Callie to the guest room and she puts her stuff down and we head down stairs to Gio's back yard.

"Where's the kites" I walk over to the table and hand everyone a kite. Callie and Ryan get their kites in the air within minutes but Gio on the other hand is struggling he pulled all too much string.

"Your doing it wrong" I go over and tighten his string and his kite starts flying. He looks so shocked like he couldn't believe it but he had the biggest smile on his face and it just made my heart melt. He looks so happy.

After a few minutes of flying kites I feel something slash my back. I turn around to see Ryan and Callie holding water balloons and silly string.

"Oh it's on" I drop my kite and run towards the water balloons and start throwing them. Everyone starts running and throwing balloons everywhere.

After the sun sets we all go in the house dripping wet and silly string everywhere. We all part ways to go shower.

Done showering and putting on my pjs I walk down the stairs seeing everyone on the couch. I take a seat next to Gio. "What are we watching?"

"Scary movie"
"Disney movie"
"I don't really care"
They all say at once and I just laugh. "Nobody wants to watch a Disney movie"
"Nobody wants to watch a scary movie" Callie say sticking her tongue out at Ryan and they start arguing.

Laughing at them I get up and grab the remote turning it on the Tom and Jerry movie and the eventually shut up.

In the middle of the movie I start to get sleepy and I lay my head on Gio falling asleep.

Hope you like it vote and comment!!!

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